James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Voodoo Traditions and Holidays

Voodoo Love Magic

James Duvalier's Voodoo Love Magic Book

I love carnival season as it is a time to celebrate and distract oneself from the gray, cold dullness of winter and to have fun before the austere penitential season of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday. I also would like to inform you that I have written a booklet on Hoodoo and Voodoo Love Magic which I will be giving away free this month to anybody who orders one of my services.  The book is also…
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All Souls’ Day

It is common in New Orleans and many places around the world to visit the cemetery and honor departed family and friends with offerings of flowers and candles.  In Mexico, November 2nd, El día de los muertos, takes on an almost carnival like atmosphere with colorful decoration and sweet treats molded in the shape of skulls, coffins and bones.  This is to mock the idea of death, which is an inevitable for all, but in reality is…
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Pumpkins-Autumn’s Magic Gourd

Jack o Lanterns - magical gourds , pumpkin spells

Fall has finally arrived and it is truly a season of magic for practitioners of all traditions.  I’ve decided to write on how to make use of those beautiful gourds that are so iconic of this time of year with 3 magical pumpkin spells.  The pumpkin is powerful beyond what words can express. In Afro-Caribbean magic is represents wealth, abundance, prosperity and love.  In the Lukumi tradition is sacred to the orisha Ochun who is herself the…
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Moon Energy

James Duvalier Blog

According to a variety of magical traditions,  workings to bring about prosperity and good fortune as well as new love are traditionally cast during the waxing moon and cleansings, exorcisms and workings to rid oneself of an unwanted influences are done mainly during the waning moon.  Any type of spell may be done on the full moon as the energy is so intensely strong that it will magnify any vibe being sent out.  This is just a…
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The Festival of the Hungry Ghosts

Spirit Money - 1 Billion Bill

In fact, the term “Hungry Ghost,” refers to this particular class of spirits who are in most need of prayers, food offerings, incense and spirit money, about which I have blogged extensively in previous posts.  Throughout China, Taiwan and Singapore people gather at temples and adorn private altars at home with such offerings to ensure that the dead are happy in the afterlife and so that they in turn will bless the living with good fortune. Yesterday,…
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