James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Voodoo Service for a New JobSaturday 22nd February 2025

Voodoo Service for a New Job

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This is a popular and very traditional voodoo service for a new job involving two lwa, Ogun and Erzulie Freda, the goal being to find a job that pays well and where you don’t have to work yourself to exhaustion.

Ogun finds the employment but Erzulie, the embodiment of wealth, luxury and leisure, makes it easy and well paying.

Voodoo Service New Job - Ogun is associated with Saint James the Greater As much as we don’t like to accept it at times, we have to work for a living.  Voodoo has many rituals designed to help in gaining employment.  In fact, there is even a lwa dedicated work and employment-Ogun, who in New Orleans is associated with Saint James the Greater.  This is a popular and very traditional service involving two lwa, Ogun and Erzulie Freda, the goal being to find a job that pays well and where you don’t have to work yourself to exhaustion.  Ogun finds the employment but Erzulie, the embodiment of wealth, luxury and leisure, makes it easy and well paying.

voodoo service new job - Erzulie Freda
You will need:

A picture of Saint James the Greater and the Mater Dolorosa (Easily available on the internet)

A green candle

A pink candle

A cigar

A shot glass filled with rum

Put together a makeshift altar.  Putting a tablecloth on any table of flat surface will work fine.

Place the cigar, rum and candles in front of the image of St. James.

Light the candles and simply talk to both Ogun and Erzulie telling them about the kind of job you are looking for.  If you have a specific place in mind, go ahead and name it.

Allow the candles to burn out on their own and dispose of the cigar and rum outside, ideally somewhere in nature.  You may keep the image of St. James somewhere in your home to attract general blessings and protection.  You can never have too many saints around.  This service is very simple, yet I have seen results in as little as 24 hours and have used it myself on two different occasions, once to get a job as a high school Spanish teacher and another time to get a job in a publishing house.  Both times it worked amazingly well!

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