James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Voodoo Practices

What is Voodoo?

Painting from voodoo museum that features voodoo paraphenalia in the article what is voodoo

First of all, let me make clear that I am not a hougan, a priest of Haitian Vodou. I have not undergone the kanzo initiation and I do not pretend to be an expert on that tradition or have any knowledge beyond the basics. I am however a life long practitioner of Louisiana Voodoo and am highly knowledgeable in its traditions, am a ceremonial expert and highly skilled in the preparation of gris gris and spells. I…
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Books and Spiritual Holidays

James Duvalier's Voodoo Love Magic Book

Peace be with you, my friends!  June was a whirlwind of a month as it always is, with the Feast of St. John.  It was truly a magical night and we ended up making over 200 offerings to the spirits and saints.  After a week of rest and recuperation, I am finally back to operating at full speed. Today I wanted to take the time to mention that I have two books available for purchase on amazon.com – Voodoo Love Magic and The November Vampires.

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Saint John’s Night

St Johns Eve celebration photograph

All Voodoo doctors and queens hold services this Saint John’s night, which is the most powerful of the year for doing any kind of spiritual work as the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is at its thinnest.  Today I would like to share a link to an article I’ve written about the Feast of Saint John with a video of Mambo Sallie Glassman of New Orleans performing the service on Saint John’s night. You can…
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Lucky Bath Recipe

Lucky Bath Recipe Ingredients

Today, I wanted to share with you a spiritual bath I made recently with a friend of mine for an acquaintance of ours who is having financial difficulty. It is the lucky bath recipe.  The bath is a combination of five powerful money drawing herbs.  Below is the recipe for this bath.  If you decide to give it a try, please share your experience with me! Alex’s Money Bath Orange Peels-In China, the orange is seen as…
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The Feast of Saint Expedite

Saint Expedite

Saint Expedite is an extremely powerful and fast acting folk saint popular in New Orleans among Voodooists and mainstream Catholics alike.  His image is housed at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church across from Saint Louis Cemetery Number 1, both very important sites of Voodoo pilgrimage.  Lately, in my consultations with clients, Saint Expedite has been showing up more and more and I have been using him in my work.  So, I’ve decided to share a little about…
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