James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Voodoo Love MagicSaturday 29th March 2025

Voodoo Love Magic

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Peace be with you, my friends!  I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy Carnival Season!  I am currently in Europe for school and business, but I know that in New Orleans people are attending parades and eating King Cake and navigating around the massive influx of tourists that smarm into the city this time of year.

Wishing you a happy Carnival Season with my gift to you, a new and fun spell below.

I love carnival season as it is a time to celebrate and distract oneself from the gray, cold dullness of winter and to have fun before the austere penitential season of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday.

James Duvalier's Voodoo Love Magic BookI also would like to inform you that I have written a booklet on Hoodoo and Voodoo Love Magic which I will be giving away free this month to anybody who orders one of my services.  The book is also on sale on amazon.com for $2.99.  The compilation includes several Love spell geared toward finding and keeping a partner, a discussion of different Voodoo saints and spirits and how they can help you in matters of love as well as different stories that show the power of Voodoo put into action.

Today, I would like to share with you a spell from my Voodoo Love Magic collection which I invented myself quite recently at the suggestion of a friend.  I call it the Spice Cake and Whip spell.

Spice Cake and Whip Domination Spell

This spell is very new and not at all a traditional part of Hoodoo, Voodoo or any other magical system.  I personally invented it only a few months ago with a friend of mine.  She suggested it based on the lyrics of a popular Russian song.  The idea is to bend a person to your will while making them happy about doing it.  It works wonders in matters of love, but can be used in any facet of life, for example to get a boss to treat you nicely or turn an enemy into your friend.  There is no doubt that it is fun to perform!

You will need:

One spice cake (a cupcake or slice of larger cake will work fine)

A whip (or a switch cut from a tree)

An image of the person you are trying to dominate

Place the image on a flat surface with the spice cake directly on top of it.  Take the switch or whip and begin hitting on each side of the spice cake and photo.  Work up as much energy as possible and say, “I own you.  Do as I say.  Come to me,”  or whatever other forceful command comes naturally to you.

You can leave this set-up in place for up to 24 hours and come back and work the target more with the whip when the mood strikes!

In addition to being a powerful and effective spell, it is also an effective means of getting out frustration!

I hope you have enjoyed this entry and that you will check out my book on Voodoo Love Magic either via amazon.com or by requesting a copy directly from me.  I wish you a warm and festive Carnival Season.  May the Ancestors and Saints bless you abundantly!

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