James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Thank You Saint Martha Yet Again!Saturday 29th March 2025

Thank You Saint Martha Yet Again!

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Peace be with you my friends!  October has been an insanely busy month and I don’t anticipate the hectic schedule will slow down any time before All Souls Day.  You may have noticed that I have a new website up and running.  This is the culmination for several months of collaborative work between myself and my web-designer and friend Amy Marie Adams.  Please take the time to visit her site and contact her for your web design and programming needs.  I can attest to the fact that she does quality work quickly and explains every step up of the way for those of us who are not so computer literate.

Saint Martha is absolutely my favorite and most special patron saint.

Thank you Saint Martha Yet Again! - James Duvalier BlogAlso, I wanted just again to sing the praises of Saint Martha who has recently helped me accomplish a long time goal.  She is absolutely my favorite and most special patron saint.  I keep an altar to her in my home and often place candles, oil lamps and flowers in front of her icon.  I strongly urge you to start a devotion to her and spread the word about her powerful intercession.  The simplest and most traditional means of bringing your needs to this miraculous saint is to perform her novena that is carried out every Tuesday by reciting the prayer below and lighting a candle to her.  You of course can pray in your own words, but I’ve included the traditional prayer as a guide.  Eventually you may may consider purchasing an icon or small statue of her to keep in your home.

St. Martha Novena

Saint Martha,

I resort to thy aid and protection.
As proof of my affection and faith,
I offer thee this light,
which I shall burn every Tuesday.

Comfort me in all my difficulties
and through the great favors thou didst enjoy
when the Savior was lodged in thy house,
intercede for my family,
that we be provided for in our necessities.

(Mention your request her)

I ask of thee, Saint Martha,
to overcome all difficulties
as thou didst overcome the dragon
which thou hadst at thy feet.

In the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Now recite the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.

I hope you decide to put this novena to use and seek the blessing of the beautiful and powerful Saint Martha.  Now I must get back to work preparing for Halloween, All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days.  Remember this is the most second most powerful time of the year to do spiritual work, St. John’s Night is of course the most powerful, so any spiritual worker is for sure running around crazy busy these last days of October.  Once things calm down in November, I will be back with photos of all these autumnal festivities.  Until then I wish you peace and blessings and say with heartfelt gratitude Thank You Saint Martha Always!!!

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