James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Archive items Tagged ‘voodoo’

The History, Beliefs and Traditions of Voodoo: Part I-Haitian Vodou

Voodoo altar with several fetishes in Abomey, Benin- Photo Credit: Dominik Schwarz

As I have stated many times in my writings, I am not an expert or practitioner of Haitian Vodou and my knowledge is limited to my interactions with Haitian people and from academic sources.  So, I do apologize if any information given is erroneous or incomplete and I welcome comments from those more familiar with the religion in Haiti.  I am however an experienced priest of New Orleans Voodoo and I possess a vast knowledge of the…
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The Spirit Guides of New Orleans Voodoo-Part III-The European Spirits

nuns - glass plate negative

There are very few spirits of European origin served by Voodooists, possibly because the religion itself was originally practiced as a means of cultural survival in a society that looks down upon those who refuse to assimilate.  When European spirits appear in a spiritual pantheon they are usually gypsies or nuns. Gypsy spirits are often served by those who specialize in divination and these individuals often possess astounding clairvoyant abilities.  Their tools of divination, playing cards, sea…
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Marie Laveau Legendary Voodoo Queen – 2 Stories

Marie Laveau Legendary Voodoo Queen Portrait Round

Sometime in the late 1830’s, the son a respected New York businessman committed the brutal crime of raping and murdering a local Creole girl whom he had met at an Octoroon ball, one of those gala affairs where upper class gentlemen would go to meet young multiracial girls whom to take as mistresses.  He had brought her to his hotel suite and repeatedly violated her with pieces of a broken champagne bottle which caused severe bleeding that…
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Welcome! Bienvenue! Bienvenidos!

James Duvalier Blog - Voodoo Doctor Jamie 2010 Portrait

It is my goal to use this blog to share this information with you and discuss various psychic and supernatural phenomena as well as traditional magical practices.  I plan to post here several times each week and look forward to receiving your comments and hope you will share your experiences as well.  If you wish to inquire about a reading or any of my products and services, please do not hesitate to contact me. Also, you can…
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