James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Archive items Tagged ‘spells’

Mercury Retrograde

The planets in our solar system

Three or four times a year the planet Mercury slows in its orbit and appears to move backwards in reference to other planets moving through the solar system.  This lasts about three to fours weeks.  Since Mercury has dominion over communication and technology, it is not uncommon or computers to crash, cell phones to drops calls, e-mails to not be received correctly and communication between partners in relationships to be less than ideal.  This is especially true…
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Autumn’s Magical Gourds! + Pumpkin Spells


In Afro-Caribbean magic is represents wealth, abundance, prosperity and love.  In the Lukumi tradition is sacred to the Orisha Ochun who is herself the embodiment of love, sweetness and all that is good and pleasureful in life.  In Eastern Europe there is a commonly held belief that if pumpkins are kept too long, wandering spirits may take up residence and clause them to move about and even bleed by night.  From Ireland comes the tradition of the…
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