James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Archive items Tagged ‘readings’

March Readings for All Signs

As we move ever closer to Spring, I am happy to share the March readings for all signs complies by our friend and Master Astrologer Zan. Welcome to your Tarot-scope for the month of March. The overall energies of March may feel a little bit too accelerated for some people, especially earth sings, because Uranus finally leaves the sign of Aries and enters the first degree of Taurus, a sing, where it’s gonna spend the next 7…
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New Year Readings for All Signs by Master Astrologer Zan

I am pleased to share the following readings for 2019 for all astrological signs compiled by my friend Zan who is a talented psychic and master astrologer.  In the New Year, Zan and I will be collaborating with other talented readers and spiritual workers on the site www.onemillionnights.com that will be launching soon.  Please click on the link to join the mailing list for the site to receive further updates regarding the launch date and the variety…
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Medium Services

Since an early age, I have had the ability to see and communicate with spirits who are on the other side or trapped between the spiritual world and the physical world. I have even been called to investigate hauntings and poltergeist activity…

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