James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Archive items Tagged ‘Espiritismo’

New Years Eve Luck Bath

Glass of Champagne photo by BGVJPE

You may wish to take a salt water bath before performing the luck bath to be sure that you are spiritually clean and that the luck bath will have a maximum impact. Between now and New Years, I will be performing many services for myself and others to bring luck in 2013 including an offering to La Sirene at the ocean and making a feast for my ancestors and spirit guides. I of course will document these…
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Saint Martha

Saint Martha as shown in the article Saint Martha's Day

There are two versions of Saint Martha found in Voodoo and other Afro-Caribbean religious systems, mainly espiritismo and Las 21 Divisiones from the Dominican Republic.  It is important to remember that they are not separate entities, but just different manifestations of the same spiritual being which vary due to people’s culture perceptions. According to biblical tradition, Saint Martha was the sister of Mary of Bethany and Saint Lazarus, whom Christ raised from the dead.  In one story…
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The Spirit Guides of New Orleans Voodoo-Part III-The European Spirits

nuns - glass plate negative

There are very few spirits of European origin served by Voodooists, possibly because the religion itself was originally practiced as a means of cultural survival in a society that looks down upon those who refuse to assimilate.  When European spirits appear in a spiritual pantheon they are usually gypsies or nuns. Gypsy spirits are often served by those who specialize in divination and these individuals often possess astounding clairvoyant abilities.  Their tools of divination, playing cards, sea…
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