James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher



Fish Scale Luck and Money Drawing Spell

In many Eastern European cultures, fish scales are associated with wealth and abundance and are a common ingredient in many money drawing spells and rituals.  Many spiritually inclined people from western countries do not know this and I only discovered it when I spent time in Romania and began to study their folklore and magic.  The following spell is meant to bring success in business as well as draw money into your life from all possible sources….
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Lucky Bath Recipe

Lucky Bath Recipe Ingredients

Today, I wanted to share with you a spiritual bath I made recently with a friend of mine for an acquaintance of ours who is having financial difficulty. It is the lucky bath recipe.  The bath is a combination of five powerful money drawing herbs.  Below is the recipe for this bath.  If you decide to give it a try, please share your experience with me! Alex’s Money Bath Orange Peels-In China, the orange is seen as…
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Voodoo Service for a New Job

Saint James the Greater

As much as we don’t like to accept it at times, we have to work for a living.  Voodoo has many rituals designed to help in gaining employment.  In fact, there is even a lwa dedicated work and employment-Ogun, who in New Orleans is associated with Saint James the Greater.  This is a popular and very traditional service involving two lwa, Ogun and Erzulie Freda, the goal being to find a job that pays well and where…
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New Years Eve Luck Bath

Glass of Champagne photo by BGVJPE

You may wish to take a salt water bath before performing the luck bath to be sure that you are spiritually clean and that the luck bath will have a maximum impact. Between now and New Years, I will be performing many services for myself and others to bring luck in 2013 including an offering to La Sirene at the ocean and making a feast for my ancestors and spirit guides. I of course will document these…
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Charity Spell

Charity Spell - Treating People with Kindness

Charity Spell Performing acts of charity is a fundamental tenet of Christianity, Islam and many other world religions.  Sharing your resources with others who are less fortunate is an immense blessing that brings us closer to God.  Curiously enough, I have noticed that people who perform acts of charity are often blessed in return with wealth and continuous good luck.  There is a popular tradition in Latin America, which involves dropping a small amount of money into…
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