James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Simple Spell to Accomplish any GoalSaturday 29th March 2025

Simple Spell to Accomplish any Goal


Peace be with you my friends!  Today I’d like to share with you a simple spell that can be used for a variety of purposes, including attracting a new love interest.

I have used this service myself several times with phenomenal results!

I learned this spell over ten years ago from my friend Sonia who is a lifelong spiritual medium and practitioner of santería, a Afro-Caribbean religion similar to Voodoo.

Simple Spell - Lit CandleSimple Spell to Accomplish Any Goal

You will need:
Two Slices of Bread
A small piece of paper
A White or Pink Taper Candle

Start by writing the goal you would like to accomplish on the piece of paper.  If the purpose of your spell is to attract the attention of a certain individual with whom you’d like to have a relationship, draw a line in the center of the paper and on top write your name and below write the name of the person you are trying to attract.

Next, place the paper between the two slices of bread and cover the “sandwich” with an ample amount of honey.  Finally, light the white candle and meditate on the goal you’d like to achieve.  If the purpose of you service is love, use the pink candle.  Leave the candle until it burns out and dispose of the bread some place in nature.

I have used this service myself several times with phenomenal results and I highly recommend it for newcomers to spell casting and spiritual work.

If you decide to try this simple spell, please let me know your results.  I thank you for taking the time to check out my blog and until next time may the Ancestors and all the Saints bless you abundantly!

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