James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Setting and Achieving GoalsSaturday 29th March 2025

Setting and Achieving Goals


We are now in the mist of autumn, my absolute favorite season where magic simply permeates the air and touches every aspect of our lives culminating in the celebration of Halloween, All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days.  It is a time to remember our ancestors and celebrate and give thanks for the blessings we have received from the earth throughout the year.  In many spiritual traditions, Halloween and early November are seen as the New Year and as a fresh start and it is therefor a time to make resolutions and set goals for the coming year and also set the correct spiritual vibe to attract love and wealth and all that you want in life.  In the past, we have discussed setting New Years resolution both on the calendar New Year and on Halloween, and in my experience I definitely tend to keep the resolutions made on Halloween much easier than those made for January.  Today I would like to discuss the more general subject of setting goals and using spiritual techniques to give yourself a powerful edge in achieving them.    

Recently, I have done a lot of reading on and given much consideration to the topic of settle goals and whether or not it’s a good idea to think in terms of the big picture or to set small goals that are easily attained that in time will build up to bigger and more dramatic changes in our lives.  I have come to the conclusion that what we do on a day to day basis in fact matters more than any general life plan we set for ourselves.  It’s important to have a general idea of where we are going and what we want to achieve in life, such as starting a new relationship, opening a successful business or just gaining more wealth and personal power in life, but we have to take into account that long term projects can change based on unforeseen events and if we are too rigid with our plans and goals we may in fact miss out on new opportunities that come our way when least expected.  It is a common trait among highly successful people that they have a general vision of what they want to achieve but are at the same time highly flexible and able to change and adapt when needed.  The true key to success is thinking of small actions that we can perform each day that will make us wealthier, happier and increase our personal power. On a practical level, I like to make a list of small goals that I can easily accomplish the following day and as I go about my day, I check of the list until all tasks are completed.  I feel that this simple approach makes projects that once seemed daunting quite reasonable to complete and greatly increases general productivity.  As spiritual people, we of course know that we can use spells, rituals and invoke the help of spirits with achieving our goals and building the life that we want.  I guarantee that if we follow the practical steps mentioned above combined with spiritual reinforcement, over time we will soar to undreamt of heights of success.

First of all, I find it important to do a daily affirmation.  Words are incredibly powerful and every time we say something with belief and conviction, whether it’s negative or positive, we create a certain vibe that follows us around the subject or situation at hand.  That is why it is incredibly important to be optimistic and believe in yourself.  I would advise having a general idea of what you want to draw into your life and write it down on a piece of paper.  For example, “I am strong, healthy, loved and I grow richer and more powerful each day,” is a perfect affirmation.  You could write this or another statement that is in line with what you want to draw into your life and leave it next to your bed and read it aloud each morning before you do anything else.  This will set the tone for success and empowerment throughout the day.  

In addition to a daily affirmation, you might consider working with a spirit appropriate to your own religious or spiritual beliefs.  You could create an altar to him or her at home or wear a medal with his or her image.  You could use your altar as a sacred space to meditate and request help and guidance as well make offerings and light candles.  You will find that the spirit you invoke will quickly become your friend and protector on your life journey and guide you down the path to success, peace, happiness and self empowerment.  Remember that is a two way relationship and it’s always important to offer something in return for your saint’s help and to live a life of kindness and respect not only to others, but also towards yourself.  

With these simple steps, you will see how easily your life can be transformed into whatever shape you wish it to take.  Also remember that life is a journey and with patience and persistence, you will accomplish great things.

I hope you have enjoyed this post.  I thank you for taking the time to check out the blog and as always I wish you peace, happiness and abundant blessings!

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