James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Saint CyprianSaturday 29th March 2025

Saint Cyprian

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Peace be with you, my friends!  I can’t believe that July is half over.  I’ve been incredibly busy with my latest writing project, planning several courses on various spiritual topics and redesigning my website.  I just wanted to take a few minutes today to write about an interesting saint that I’ve worked with quite a bit in the past, but over the last several years has fallen out of my normal repertoire: St. Cyprian.  He has been popping up quite often in consultations and in my personal meditations.

His feast day is the 16th of September. 

Saint CyprianSaint Cyprian is definitely invoked in Voodoo and in Southern Hoodoo  in the United States, but he is found to a much greater extent in Latin-American folk magic.  He is the patron saint of good witches who use their power for health, love and protection and he offers protection to his devotees against curses and evil forms of witchcraft.  In Galicia, in north western Spain, there is rumored to exist a secret grimoire attributed to this saint called the San Criprianillo that contains his powerful spells and ceremonies and it is said to circulated among the “meigas,” Galicia’s famous witchcraft who practice under a veil of secrecy.

Cyprian’s association with witchcraft is unclear, as he was a bishop of the early church in North Africa and according to historical texts did not have any association with witches or magical practitioners.  I feel that this association with spiritual light workers is a sign of Divine Love for all who do good and his protection against evil spirits and curses is a sign that good will always overcome evil.

His feast day is the 16th of September.  Spiritually speaking, mid-September is a powerful time of year since the 14th is the Elevation of the Holy Cross, the 15th is the Feast of the Mother of Sorrows associated with Erzulie Freda and the 16th is St. Cyprian.  He is a simple yet powerful saint and does not require elaborate offerings or complicated ceremonies.  You can simply light a purple or red candle to him and ask for his blessing and protection.  It’s certainly never hurts to have more saints on our side!

I hope you have enjoyed this brief post.  I intend to blog more intensely about St. Cyprian in the future.  Now it’s time to get back to my list of endless projects and tasks.  As always, I wish you peace, love and an abundance of blessings!

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