James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Rue Money MagicSaturday 29th March 2025

Rue Money Magic

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Peace be with you my friends!  These are busy times of me as I am in the middle of looking for a new apartment, preparing for the Festival of the Hungry Ghosts at the very end of this month, starting a new program to become a licensed psychotherapist and cognitive behavioral therapist and of course my usual readings and services.  I have been thinking about what areas of Voodoo and Magick I have not deeply explored on this blog, and I've realized that I have not spoken much about herbal magic which is a fundamental part of Voodoo and many other spiritual traditions.

Herbal magic is a fundamental part of Voodoo & many other spiritual traditions

So, today I would like to share a traditional money spell using a powerful herb called Rue.  Rue has many magical properties including protection and cleansing, but it is most highly celebrated as a bringer of prosperity.  I hope you enjoy the following spell and if you give it a try, please share you experiences with me.

Rue is a powerful herb native to southern Europe and is a staple in traditional Italian magic, also known as Stregheria, and in various Afro-Caribbean magical traditions.  Rue has many uses-protection, love, luck and even revenge all fall under the dominion of this mighty plant.  You can find rue growing wild in many places in North America and it is also widely available in farmers markets.  The following is a recipe for a rue wash that is meant to bring luck and prosperity to your home and family. It is highly popular in Puerto Rican and Cuban popular magic.  Rue is slightly toxic so be careful not to ingest or wash your body with the rue water.  Let it only touch floors and inanimate objects.

Rue Floor Wash for Luck and Prosperity

rue spellsYou will need:

Handfuls of fresh or dried rue

Water for boiling

A green candle

A Bible

Fill a pot with water and bring in to a roaring boil.

Toss in the rue and allow it to boil exactly seven minutes.

Remove the pot from the fire and set it to cool.  Light the green candle next to the cooling pot of rue liquid and hold your right hand over the liquid while praying the 23rd Psalm aloud.

When you are finished reciting the psalm, say in a loud authoritative voice “May this blessed liquid bring wealth, prosperity and protection to me and my family.  Amen! So be it!  So it shall be!”

Allow the candle to burn out and the liquid to cool completely.  Strain it and save it in bottles for future use.

You may add a little of the liquid to your detergent water when you wash the floors or you can sprinkle small amounts of the liquid around your home or office every Friday and during the new moon to bring wealth and success.

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