James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Maneki Neko Money Magic


Maneki Neko Money Magic – Maneki Neko, revered throughout the ages, is a magic money drawing cat from Japanese folklore. I am happy to have Maneki Neko working along side my spirits and saints. The service invokes her help in financial matters through offerings of milk, cat nip and cat toys. I have had nothing but success! Order this service and let this little kitty bring wealth into your life!

Maneki Neko Money Magic - James Duvalier
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I am happy to have Maneki Neko working alongside my spirits and saints.

Ordering rituals & spells is simple! To order simply click on the Buy Now button and you will be directed to PayPal where you can pay with any major credit card or direct from your PayPal account. Once I receive notification of your order, I will contact you so that the magic can begin! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail or messenger.

Maneki Neko Money Magic

  • $25 USD
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