James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Norma’s Bath of Spiritual EmpowermentSunday 9th March 2025

Norma’s Bath of Spiritual Empowerment

Almost twenty years ago, I sat at the kitchen table of a renowned espiritista named Norma.  At that time she was living in a rural Massachusetts town but had been raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico in a family that has practiced spiritism for several generations and later ran a successful and famous centro espiritual in the Bronx.  People would travel from different states and countries to consult with Norma and have her perform spiritual workings on they behalf.  By the time I met her,  she was in semi retirement but because we had a common friend she agreed to read for me. As she turned card after card over from the baraja española she told me the names and identities of my spirit guides, which I of course had perviously known, but I was impressed to the point of speechlessness at her accuracy.  As we neared the end of the consultation, she told me that I had immense powers the likes of which she had rarely seen and that I had a bright future as a spiritual worker and in other aspects of my life.  She did give me one piece advice:  I need to do regular spiritual baths to keep and enhance my power, especially in times of stress and uncertainty, and she shared one such bath with me that I would like to now share with you.  

Before getting into the details and procedures of this bath, I would just like to describe what this bath actually does.  Unlike most spiritual baths that have a specific purpose-cleansing, breaking spells and curses, love, money, marriage-this particular bath has a wide scope in terms of its benefits.  It is meant for general empowerment.  It certainly strengthens psychic abilities and the efficiency of your spell work but it also provides general strength and power to face difficult times and situations in life.  I would recommend taking this bath any time you require strength to face a challenging situation or whenever you wish to enhance your spiritual powers.  As a pleasant side effect, people often experience good luck immediately after taking this bath.  

You will need:

A Cinnamon Stick

7 Cloves 

7 Bay Leaves

A small piece of Ginger Root crushed to release its essence

A teaspoon of honey

One Green Taper Candle

One Red Taper Candle

One White Taper Candle

Fill the bathtub with warm water.

Add all ingredients expect the candles to the bath water.

Turn off the light in the bathroom and light the three candles placing them as close to the tub as possible.

Sit in the warm water.

Invoke the help of your ancestors and spirit guides and ask them to infuse the water with spiritual power.  Imagine the water illuminated by a bright white light.  

Soak in the tub as long as you’d like meditating of whatever you would like to accomplish with your newly refreshed spiritual strength.

Before you leave the tub, submerge yourself completely under the water and imagine the white light from the water permeating every cell of your being. If you are uncomfortable submerging yourself completely, you may pour some of the water over your head and it will have the same effect.  

Get out of the tub and you are now ready to take on whatever issues you may be facing and to perform all spiritual workings with a new degree of intensity and efficacy.   

I hope you have enjoyed this post and that you give this bath of spiritual empowerment a try.  As always I wish you peace, happiness and abundant blessings!

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