James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | New Year’s Luck and ProsperitySaturday 22nd February 2025

New Year’s Luck and Prosperity

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Peace be with you, my friends!  As this year winds down and the holiday season gets underway, I thought I would share with you some interesting Voodoo folklore regarding this time of the year and ways to bring luck in the New Year.

New Years is associated with many different practices thought to bring luck in the New Year.

In Creole and Cajun Louisiana, Christmas has traditionally been a subdued affair, unlike the glitz, glamour and pageantry of the carnival season that culminates in Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday.  In decades past, Christmas was a day to go to church and gather with family and friends for a big meal and exchange a few gifts.  Today, it is celebrated much the same as in the rest of America with large ornately decorated Christmas trees and parties throughout December.  The holiday, while important, does not have many Voodoo traditions associated with it.

New Years, on the other hand, is associated with many different practices thought to bring luck in the New Year.  As the month goes on I would like to share some traditions and mini-rituals that you may wish to try to bring you luck in the New Year.

New Year's Luck - Champagne BathPerhaps there is no beverage more associated with New Year’s Eve and other celebrations than champagne.  We all enjoy sipping foaming glasses of this golden elixir as the clock chimes midnight to welcome in the New Year.  Voodoo also makes use of champagne.  It is sacred to the spirit Erzulie Freda, who is the embodiment of love, grace, beauty and class.  It is also used frequently in love spells.

Years ago, I learned a special trick from my friend Norma, who is an accomplished and well known spell caster from New York City.  To ensure good luck and prosperity in the New Year, you can take a bath with champagne on New Year’s Eve or anytime throughout the year when you feel you need a boost of luck or extra money.  Norma explained that the bubbles are uplifting and they lift you to a higher and more successful place in life.  She told me you can also use beer or even ginger ale.  I also want to make clear that it should not be expensive champagne.  Save that for drinking!

You simply stand under the shower and uncork the champagne, beer or ginger ale, whatever you choose, and shake it up so that when it comes out it is very foamy.  Let it pour down your body from head to toe and think thoughts of money and wealth flowing into your life throughout the New Year.  It is also a good idea to perform this ritual when you are undertaking a financial endeavor such as opening a business of buying a home.  After you bath in the champagne, let the water wash it of, dry yourself off and head out for some New Year’s fun!

This is one of many rituals alleged to bring good luck and I will be sharing more in the weeks to come.  Also, I will be hosting a large Voodoo gathering on December 30th where I will be making several offerings to ensure good luck and prosperity in the New Year.  If you would like to have an offering made, please call or e-mail me and I will be happy to add you to the list.

May God, the Ancestors and the Saints bless you abundantly!  A la prochaine!

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