James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Lucky Bath RecipeSaturday 29th March 2025

Lucky Bath Recipe

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Peace be with you, my friends!  June is here already and High Summer is fast approaching.  This is a wonderful time of year when things slow down, school ends, people go on vacation and enjoy the warm weather.  At least for most people, this is an extremely busy time of year of all Voodoo Doctors and Queens. Also, St. John’s Eve, the most powerful night of the year for doing spiritual work falls on the night of June 23rd.  I will be hosting my annual service then and am now taking orders for people interested in having work done on that night.  Later this month I will post an article about the traditions and beliefs associated with this most sacred and powerful of nights. Please don’t hesitate to contact me! 

I wish you all peace and abundant blessings!

Lucky Bath Recipe IngredientsMaking a lucky bath ritual recipe for abundance - James DuvalierToday, I wanted to share with you a spiritual bath I made recently with a friend of mine for an acquaintance of ours who is having financial difficulty. It is the lucky bath recipe.  The bath is a combination of five powerful money drawing herbs.  Below is the recipe for this bath.  If you decide to give it a try, please share your experience with me!

Alex’s Money Bath

Orange Peels-In China, the orange is seen as a symbol of good luck and prosperity and is commonly eaten at Chinese New Year and other major festivals.

Orange Leaves-Contains potent powers of good luck and prosperity.

Bay Leaves-Ancient Greeks and Romans viewed bay leaves as a symbol of accomplishment and high rankings.  They also promote success in matters of love.

Basil-A good luck herb in many parts of Eastern Europe.  Orthodox priests in Romania use bunches of basil dipped in holy water to bless people and locations.

Ginger Fresh or Dried-A fiery, hot spice used to give you a burst on instant cash.

Add all the ingredients to a pot of boiling water.  Allow mixture to boil for seven minutes.

As the mixture boils, place your hands over the pot, at a safe enough distance so that you do not burn yourself, and imagine all your financial needs being met and money just flowing abundantly into your life.  Meditate for the 7 minutes that the mixture boils.

Allow the mixture to cool and add to your bath water or pour directly over your head in the shower.

Orange peel and ginger can be irritants, so if you have sensitive skin, you may sprinkle the liquid around your home instead of using it to bath.

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