James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | January Lunar EclipseSaturday 29th March 2025

January Lunar Eclipse

Here is some information about the upcoming lunar eclipse on the 21st of January 2019 courtesy of our friend the master astrologer Zan with whom I will be collaborating on the soon-to-launch website www.onemillionnights.com.  Please register for the OMN newsletter on the link provided for further updates.

Hi everyone and thank you for visiting my blog. In this article we’re going to talk about the energies of the Lunar eclipse happening in the sign of Leo.

The way this eclipse is going to affect us, depends very much on what is going to be already within us, at the time of the eclipse. Even though, there are going to be negative aspects, that will bring tension, inner conflict, restlessness, probably sleepless nights, lot of fears and stress surfacing from deep within, this doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to accept all the raw energies and their influence. Instead, we can choose to perform a little bit of inner alchemy, through meditation, thought, reflection on the events of our lives, and by doing this, we can transform, or better said transmute all the energies, that would normally bring tensions, into creativity, love, self expression, and being grateful and proud of the person we have become, and giving us a little bit of intuitive insight who it is that we are going to become in the future.

The Moon is going to charge herself with all the energies of Leo and use the power of the eclipse to ignite the flames of passion, creativity, self-love and appreciation deep within us. The more you know your self, the more you are in tune with your inner world, the more mastery, respect, love and gratitude you have for yourself in a very non egocentric way, I might add, the more you are going to benefit from the energies of the eclipse.

This can be a perfect opportunity for artists, musicians, romantics, lovers, those who seek love, poets, inventors, scientists etc. to come up with the most revolutionary idea, inspiration, thought, dream, in other words the seeds of creation, the blueprint that they constantly need in order to crate something unique. Because, Uranus plays a massive role in this eclipse, you can rest assured, that if you have the awareness of who and how you really are, in the light of your own truth, with the brilliance of your own being, you are going to live unforgettable moments.

Leo is also a source of joy and the beauty of living, if you understand that you are a living, breathing part of the Universe, and you are always connected to the source, you know just how special and unique you truly are. Neither your body(DNA), personality, your life’s story, the way you see the world, and your unique version of how to live life has any comparison, there isn’t anyone like you out there, so the Universe needs you, it wishes to experience life through your own personal lens, the fact that you are alive and happy with being alive feeds the Universe, so IT has every interest to do the same for you, to feed you with power and life, to support you and to encourage the unfolding of your story.

And because Uranus is such a big player in this eclipse, we must also take into consideration that Uranus represents what we were created for, the divine purpose that our immortal beings serve in the Universe. So one way or another, whatever this eclipse will represent for you, it will enlighten you and give you THAT moment of perfect awareness, which can help you understand your life and the purpose of your current incarnation much better.

Another important fact, that adds to the severity of this eclipse is, that it’s going to take place exactly at zero degrees and 52 minutes (Leo). Zero always signifies something very powerful, a brute and unrefined force that will ultimately surge into the physical world through thought and emotion and create something new. Since it needs a vessel to come into physical reality, you can choose to either let in love and inspiration, or manifest your fears and darkest desires.

The negative aspects of this eclipse can be quite devastating, because Uranus guarantees a much higher state of awareness, something which you rarely have in life. So the negative aspect of this energy is that it will certainly highlight your own illusions, self deception, conditioning, in other words, all the mental and emotional blockages that hold you in place or motivate you to follow an unwise path in life. You will get the chance to be aware of all the things that are present in your life, but other than you ego, no part of your being resonates or desires those things, thus highlighting their illusionary nature.

Simple awareness is not enough to conjure change, that’s why another negative, or better said challenging aspects come to the rescue: Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius form a square with Neptune in Pisces. This aspect is very important because, since, you already have the awareness you need to identify all illusions and conditioning in your life, Jupiter gives you the courage and strength to try your best and give up on fake desires. Venus also helps Jupiter by giving you the power to transmute the fake love you have for illusions, unrealistic dreams, life purposes that do not serve your greater good, into rejection. While, rejection and disappointment are rather negative feelings, if they exist in the right measure, they are merely sources of inner power to facilitate your surrender and accept that regarding those things that do not align with the person who you are, it would be foolish and very unwise to spend resources, energy, will-power and thought to keep them alive.

While, this is an aspect of inner conflict and tension, if you manage it wisely, it’s the greatest blessing you can receive, because after something disappears from your life, another thing has to take it’s place, and Uranus granting you greater awareness of all areas of your life, and Jupiter in Sagittarius offering you the non linear way of thinking in order to better understand how the Universe works will make sure that you will attract only things that are a match to your life’s story, one which you co-create with the Source and not just blindly follow a trail of breadcrumbs

This Lunar eclipse will also offer moments of great power for those individual who embraced their spiritual journey, those who work with magic and inner alchemy, for seers, psychics, and those who practice various forms of divination.

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