James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | The History, Beliefs and Traditions of Voodoo-Part II-The Lwa | Mater Dolorosa [Our Lady of Sorrows] is the catholic counterpart to Lwa Ezili FredaTuesday 18th March 2025

Mater Dolorosa [Our Lady of Sorrows] is the catholic counterpart to Lwa Ezili Freda

Mater Dolorosa [Our Lady of Sorrows] is the catholic counterpart to Lwa Ezili Freda

The Loa (also Lwa or L’wha) Ezili Freda’s Catholic counterpart is Mater Dolorosa also known as Our Lady of Sorrows

image is believed to be in the public domain

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Home | The History, Beliefs and Traditions of Voodoo-Part II-The Lwa | Mater Dolorosa [Our Lady of Sorrows] is the catholic counterpart to Lwa Ezili Freda

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