James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


General Information

Spiritual Purification Through Fasting

The liturgical season of Lent is now underway having begun on Ash Wednesday which this year fell of February 10th. It is a time of year when Christians of many denominations are called to examine their conscious, fast, pray and perform acts of charity above and beyond what they would normally do the rest of the year. It is a time of cleansing, atonement and purification of the mind, body and especially soul. It is also a…
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The Power of Salt Water Baths

In recent weeks, many people have been telling me how everything seems blocked or stagnant in their lives and true progress and good luck seem to elude them.  In such situations, what I recommend most often is a simple salt water bath.  I have posted on this subject before, but lately it seems to be coming up again and again and many people even doubt the efficacy of something so simple.  I am here to reiterate the…
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Treating People with Kindness

Charity Spell - Treating People with Kindness

In day to day life I notice people being rude or snappy to each other. Within the past week I’ve seen a grocery store cashier get into a screaming match with a customer and an incident of road rage where two men were physically attacking each other on the side of the highway. Anger and unhappiness seem to be everywhere! I think much of this could be avoided if we all relearn what we were taught in…
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What is Voodoo?

Painting from voodoo museum that features voodoo paraphenalia in the article what is voodoo

First of all, let me make clear that I am not a hougan, a priest of Haitian Vodou. I have not undergone the kanzo initiation and I do not pretend to be an expert on that tradition or have any knowledge beyond the basics. I am however a life long practitioner of Louisiana Voodoo and am highly knowledgeable in its traditions, am a ceremonial expert and highly skilled in the preparation of gris gris and spells. I…
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Books and Spiritual Holidays

James Duvalier's Voodoo Love Magic Book

Peace be with you, my friends!  June was a whirlwind of a month as it always is, with the Feast of St. John.  It was truly a magical night and we ended up making over 200 offerings to the spirits and saints.  After a week of rest and recuperation, I am finally back to operating at full speed. Today I wanted to take the time to mention that I have two books available for purchase on amazon.com – Voodoo Love Magic and The November Vampires.

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