James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Dust in the Wind Weight Loss SpellSaturday 29th March 2025

Dust in the Wind Weight Loss Spell

I have been doing a lot of weight loss work for people lately and I thought I would share a simple weight loss spell that is very effective in helping people reach their goals.

The making and sprinkling of powders is an especially efficacious means of delivering spiritual energy.  In particular, in New Orleans voodoo there is a type of spell called a coup de l’air which involves making a magical powder and blowing it onto an image of the person who is the intended target of the spell.  I had the coup de l’air in mind when I invented the following spell, the goal of which is to rid ourselves forever of all excess pounds. 

You will need:

A piece of paper and a pen

A match

A pinch of ground black pepper 

A pinch of salt

A pinch of cayenne pepper 

Write the number of pounds you wish to lose on a piece of paper and then set it on fire in a heat proof container and reserve the ashes.

Mix the salt, black pepper and red pepper with the ash.

Take the resulting powder outside and either leave it on a plate or directly on the ground to be carried off by the wind or place it in the palm of your hand and blow it into the wind.  As you do this, imagine your excess weight being carried off by the wind never to return to you. 

In the days that follow, your will have tremendous success in your weight loss efforts. 

I hope you have enjoyed this post and if you decide to give this spell a try, please share your experience with me!  As always I wish you peace, happiness and abundant blessings!

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