James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Coconut Weight Loss SpellSaturday 29th March 2025

Coconut Weight Loss Spell

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I hope you are enjoying the late summer.  I am noticing the days getting shorter as we head ever closer to fall, the most magical of seasons!  People have been writing to me commenting how the spells from my book Weight Loss Magic, available on amazon.com or by request through my website, are helping them tremendously.  I have decided to share a spell from this collection that not only helps with weight loss but also serves as a general spiritual cleansing.

Coconut Weight Loss Spell

The coconut is a fundamental spiritual tool in many Afro-Caribbean religious systems and is used for divination, offerings and even spiritual cleansing.  Based on the cleansing properties of the coconut, I have designed the following spell for weight loss.   In addition to ridding yourself of excess physical weight, the following spell also serves as a general spiritual cleansing that will remove all unwanted negative energy from your life. 

You will need:

One coconut 

A small piece of paper and a pen

Puncture the eye of the coconut and drain the water. Reserve it to drink later. It is sweet and refreshing. 

Write on the piece of paper the number of pounds you wish to lose and place it inside the coconut through the eye that has been removed. 

Run the coconut over your body from head to toe and imagine your excess weight being sucked into the coconut leaving you healthy and with the body you desire.  

Dispose of the coconut outside somewhere in nature, if possible, thereby expelling your excess weight from your life forever! 

I thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and as always I wish you peace, happiness and abundant blessings!

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