Money Spells by James Duvalier is a compilation of simple money drawing spells from diverse and eclectic magical traditions meant to help in specific financial matters and conjure general wealth. The spells contained in this collection are easy to perform and require few ingredients readily available at any grocery store. James Duvalier has compiled this collection in response to the popularity of his previously published title Voodoo Money Magic.
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Night Flowers tells the story of Lian Hua, a hundred-year-old jianshi, the vampire figure of Chinese folklore. It is a story of survival and self discovery that spans almost a century from the decadent mansions of Macau and Hong Kong in the 1920’s and 50’s to a small New England town in 1987 where the teenage Liz Young must conqueror her own demons before laying to rest the ruthless bloodsucker that wishes to destroy her.
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Saint Martha by James Duvalier is a collection of traditional prayers and devotions employed to request the intercession of this miraculous saint of whom the author is a life long devotee. James Duvalier shares his experiences invoking the aid and protection of Saint Martha as well as the numerous blessings she has helped manifest in his life and teaches you to call upon this powerful saint to help with whatever your needs may be.
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This book is a collection of money spells and magic lore compiled by James Duvalier, a priest of New Orleans style Voodoo. The author provides several simple and highly effective services to draw wealth, find employment and ensure success in business endeavors. You will also learn how to invoke saints and spirits to help with finances. In addition to valuable practical information, Voodoo Money Magic contains fascinating teachings on herbal money magic and the use of good luck charms.
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This book is a collection of love spells and rituals compiled by James Duvalier, a priest of New Orleans style Voodoo. The author provides several simple and highly effective services to attract a new lover, kindle passion in a current partner and even bring about marriage. You will also learn how to…
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James Duvalier’s The November Vampires is filled with passion, sexual desire and supernatural intrigue. It is the story of Nadia Balan and her abusive husband Bogdan who fall victim to a Gypsy curse brought by a former lover returning from the First World War. After a century of loneliness and isolation…
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