James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Garden Update

, | Garden Magic | No Comments »

We are quickly approaching the summer solstice and are now experiencing the longest days of the year.  My garden is flourishing and my flowers and herbs are growing ever taller.  I am looking forward to the longest day of the year and the summer and autumn days that follow!  I hope you enjoy these latest photos of my garden and as always I wish you peace happiness and abundant blessings!


Sunflower Love Spell

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Sunflower_sky_backdropSince I am growing sunflowers in my garden this year, I have been reminded of a simple love spell involving this powerful plant that I have decided to share here.  The sunflower is a magic plant, no question about it.  It has healing powers when used in spiritual work and the ability to dispel darkness and depression from one’s life.  My great grandmother used to make a floor wash out of sunflower petals and mop the entire house to chase away bad luck and attract good fortune.  The sunflower is a symbol of abundance with its multiple seeds representing wealth.  The sunflower also has its uses in love magic.  I am happy to share with you this spell that has been in use both in Wiccan and Hoodoo circles since the 1970’s.  I suspect it goes back much further to earlier forms of European and African garden magic.

You will need:

One sunflower seed

A small piece of paper


This spell needs to be started during the spring months, if you live in a temperate climate, after the danger of frost has passed.


Take a scrap of paper and write your name and the name of the person you are trying to attract on a piece of paper and circle it with a heart.


Then dig a hole outside in a place where the sun shines brightly and place the paper in it along with the sunflower seed.  As you cover it with dirt and water it, say “as the sun and Earth give life to this flower, so may (say the person’s name) grow in love for me.”


Take care of the sunflower during the summer months and as it grows, so will the person’s love for you will grow.



Garden Update

| Garden Magic | No Comments »

As we head into May I just wanted to give a quick gardening update.  The flowers and herbs that I planted earlier this month are sprouting and growing ever taller each day.  At the end of the summer, I will harvest and dry them for use in all types of spiritual oils, baths and potions.  I will also burn them as offerings at my annual Halloween service.  This is truly a magical time when the garden starts to flourish and I can feel the vibrant energy for the plants all around.  I will be back at the end of the month for with another update!


All Purpose Luck and Money Bath

, | Herbal Bath | 15 Comments »

Today I would like to share a spiritual bath that can be used to draw general luck and prosperity to your life.  I’ve seen people’s businesses prosper and their lottery and casino wins increase after using this bath and money simply appear from any possible source.

Start by combining the following herbs (fresh if you can find them):

Mint or Spearmint




Orange leaves or peels (if leaves are unavailable)

One Pink and One White Rose

One pink and one light blue candle


Put all the ingredients together in a blender filled with water and mix until everything is well incorporated.


Strain through a coffee filter.  You want just the water permeated by the essence of the leaves, not the leaves themselves.  Traditionally, this would be done with a mortar and pestle, but the blender makes things faster.


Pour the strained liquid into a large bowl and add three coins (of any denomination) and the petals of one pink rose and one white rose.


Light a pink candle on one side of the bath and a light blue candle on the other side.


Hold your hands over the bath and meditate for a moment to infuse the bath with your intention which is to drawn general luck and blessings to all areas of your life.


Allow the candles to burn out and then the bath is ready for use.


The traditional method for use is to pour the bath directly over your head in the shower but you can also add it to your bath water and soak in the tub.


When you are finished, for an extra burst of luck you can also pour a bottle of cheap sparkling wine of even beer over your head.  The gold color symbolizes wealth and the bubbles lift you to a higher place in life.  Of course shower off as you normally would after pouring the beer or sparkling wine.


I thank you for taking the time to visit the blog and as always I wish you peace, happiness and abundant blessings!

Garden Magic

, | Garden Magic | No Comments »

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog!  I am currently busy with the preparations for Easter and enjoying the spring weather after a long and cold winter.  I have begun the very early stages of planting my garden and I of course will give updates as we get further into the spring and summer months.  So far, I have started some poblano peppers indoors which I will transplant outside later in the spring.  This year I also plan on growing pumpkins, sunflowers and a variety of herbs and flowers to be used for spiritual purposes.

As always, I wish you peace, happiness and abundant blessings!

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