James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | The Evil EyeMonday 31st March 2025

The Evil Eye

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It is believed that bad luck, in varying degrees, can be transferred to others by a simple glance that is accompanied by envy, jealousy, hatred or sharp sadness.  I think at one time or another we have all had the emotions of others rub off on us, the evil eye is simply a more intense version of that.

There are many different methods to ward off the evil eye.

The other night, I was visiting a friend and after a few drinks, we decided to test an old Eastern European tradition.   We took two glasses of water, prayed the Our Father and dropped three lighted matches into the glass and then drank it for good measure.  This is a popular means of diagnosing, curing and warding off the evil eye, a spiritual affliction that occurs in cultures around the world.

It is believed that bad luck, in varying degrees, can be transferred to others by a simple glance that is accompanied by envy, jealousy, hatred or sharp sadness.  I think at one time or another we have all had the emotions of others rub off on us, the evil eye is simply a more intense version of that.

Nazar Amulets to ward off the eivl eyeIn cultures throughout the world, there are several means of combating this spiritual affliction.  In Sicily and parts of Eastern Europe it is recommended to wear something red, like a piece of red ribbon or cloth tied to one’s clothing.  In  Islamic countries, when a person offers a compliment he is quick to add the expression “Masha Allah,” which means “God wills it,” so that the statement might be free of envy and therefore not pass the evil eye.  In Turkey, you will often see an eye shape made from various shades of blue glass which is a powerful charm against the evil eye.  In Voodoo, the simplest way to avoid mild cases of the evil eye is to take regular baths in salt water and to bless oneself with holy water at the end of the day.  In more severe cases, it may be necessary to have a professional cleansing done.

If you have any stories to share regarding the evil eye or you feel yourself a victim of this particular curse, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will be glad to help you with this situation.  As always, I wish you peace, prosperity and happiness!

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