James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Love Letter SpellMonday 31st March 2025

Love Letter Spell

There was a tradition in New England’s upper class families, especially in Massachusetts and Connecticut during the early 1900’s, that involved young women planting rose gardens shortly after marriage and moving into a new home.  Many elderly women have shared with me memories of another unspoken tradition of burying a love letter under a rose bush in which they detail the type of marriage and future they would like to have.  This resulted many times in decades long, love filled marriages.  The idea is that as the rose bush grows and blossoms so will your love blossom and mature.  Ideally this service is done when you already have somebody in your life and want them to stick around and remain committed. 

You will need:

A small rose bush (easily bought at a local plant nursery)

A paper and pen

Start by writing a detailed love letter to the person you would like to influence.  Describe the kind of life you would like to have with him and what qualities of his personality you would like to accentuate.  

Then dig a hole and place the letter into the ground along with the rose bush.  As you plant the bush, meditate on the type of long lasting commitment you would like to achieve.  Hopefully your relationship or marriage will grow and flourish along with the rose bush!

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