James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | March Readings for All SignsMonday 31st March 2025

March Readings for All Signs


As we move ever closer to Spring, I am happy to share the March readings for all signs complies by our friend and Master Astrologer Zan.

Welcome to your Tarot-scope for the month of March. The overall energies of March may feel a little bit too accelerated for some people, especially earth sings, because Uranus finally leaves the sign of Aries and enters the first degree of Taurus, a sing, where it’s gonna spend the next 7 years in. This astrological event, may or may not have a massive material impact on the individual, for the collective however, it’s going to change a lot of things. First of all Taurus is an earth sign, and it rules material longevity, permanency, agriculture, finances, banks, material security and of course material values. This sing has very conservative energies and always tends to ground and offer stability, to everything that is practical. Uranus on the other hand is the planet of revolution and it’s associated with bursts of energy, lightning, electricity, magnetism, awareness, shocks and surprises. During the past years, there has been a lot of talk about energy shifts, well I believe this is the moment those people who strongly believed and envisioned this have been waiting for, because during the next 7 years, Uranus is bound to change everything. First it’s going to change banking systems, the collective perception about money and material values and it’s going to revolutionize the industry, many astrologers speculate, that Uranus in Taurus is going to lead to the digitization of money, and of course the way it reflects the individuals worth. Uranus in Taurus also speaks about massive advancements in technology, many things which merely existed in theory will be made “real” and practical, one of the main domains which can benefit from this energy is medicine, genetics and agriculture, because Taurus is associated with the physical body and physical well being. Our notion of beauty and aesthetics will also undergo some changes, because the ruler of Taurus is Venus, and when she is associated with the earth sing she rules (Libra is also her home sing) her energies represent that of the Earthly Aphrodite, our perception of physical beauty and the value we attribute to it. Uranus many times opposes symmetry and that which is traditional, and confers perfection a very surrealistic approach. Another very important aspect dominating March is the presence of the Sun, Moon, Neptune and Mercury in the sing of Pisces. This energy is going to influence very many aspects of our lives, it will promote healing both from a strict medical, but also alternative medicine perspective, it will also catalyze all spiritual activities, and help us find our inner most truths, and things that have been hidden from us. This can also play out collectively, because Mercury rules social media, news, journalism, and any other method of making information public, so secrets, that are going to be exposed about very influential people during this time may have a massive impact globally. Mercury is also going to retrograde, giving us the chance to complete those plans, contracts, businesses that have been delayed, or didn’t have the chance to have immediate effect. Another important aspect is the presence of Venus in the sign of Aquarius, this will give birth to new trends, and promote the weird and usual in the fashion industry. Last, but not least, while no astrologer likes to talk about this, it’s worth a mention, at the beginning of the article I’ve talked about the impact of Uranus changing sings is going to have on the collective. Taurus also rules the crust of the Earth, and the last time Uranus entered the sign of Taurus at zero degrees was 7 years ago, when the Fukushima disaster occurred. This astrological event can be associated with increased volcanic activity, hurricanes, tsunamies, earthquakes and man made disasters. Also, it is also a well known fact, that increased Uranian energies tend to lower the Earth’s magnetic sphere, which can lead to strange weather phenomenon. Now, for the actual tarot-scope:


10 of wands & The Empress: This energy will influence Aries natives to work extremely hard to free themselves from all material burdens. If these natives have debt of any kind, material, moral obligations, promises they need to keep, they will work tirelessly to do everything in their power to either totally cover those obligations, or to minimize them as much as they can. While, the Empress guarantees success, and rewards for their hard work, the 10 of wands speaks of the sacrifices life demands of them. Work in it’s self is not going to be the problem, because they are going to feel very resilient and strong, but the build up of pressure and extreme amounts of stress (they will tend to be their own slave drivers) may take it’s toll on their health. This situation is going to be especially heightened for those Aries natives who are parents, because their children are gonna go through a very difficult time and they will require a lot of patience, material or moral support. This could also be true the opposite way for middle ages Aries, who have aging parents. For those natives who are single, the month of March may lead to new beginnings on a romantic level, and for those who are in a stable relationship, the Empress may signify fertility and pregnancy. Business wise, the 10 of wands signals a very busy time where your emotional and mental capacities will be very solicited, but the number 10 is also the end of the busy cycle, it’s the last couple of yards until the finish line, which promises material rewards, well earned prosperity and the joy of life represented by the Empress.


The Hermit & Fool reversed: The Hermit card signifies that Taurus natives are going to undergo either a spiritual revolution, or an intellectual upgrade. In classic Tarot the Hermit carries a lantern, which illuminates his path, symbolizing that you are seeking greater knowledge, and through this greater knowledge you hope to ground yourself emotionally, materially and spiritually. The light that guides you is definitely your life experiences, inner truth and wisdom and you are prepared to stand up for yourself regardless of the situation to defend your values and everything that you find a part of yourself and your truth in, but the fool symbolizes that you need to get out of your comfort zone, and face your material fears in order to achieve a sense of greater material and professional stability. It is very hard to tell what facing your fears and getting our of your comfort zone actually translates too, because the Hermit card symbolizes, that everything that happens in March is very personal and depends on each person’s life story and karma. For some natives this may mean separation, leaving a shared accommodation and taking a leap of faith to go solo. For others it may mean is risking letting someone new into your life and starting a new relationship despite your fears that you might not be a perfect match. For single Taurians this may mean answering an irresistible inner calling to establish a family of your own and find a new home.


5 of coins and 10 of wands reversed: The 5 of coins could mean a couple of different things, depending on your unique situation. One of the possible meanings may signify that you’ve invested a large sum of money into something that may have been important at that time and you are going to face a time of financial difficulty and “poverty” in the sense that you possess many assets and material values, but you lack the flow of money, which may force you to give up on certain pleasures of life. An other possible meaning of this card is that certain obligations either towards family, siblings, parents may force you to get into debt, a situation which will give you a couple of sleepless nights, not because you can’t manage, but because it restricts your freedom. One of it’s more positive meanings is that, someone very dear to you is going to bail you out from a difficult situation, but this will morally leave you in their debt. Last, but not least, the 5 of coins doesn’t necessarily have to mean material wealth, but rather your health. From this perspective this may mean that you have neglected your physical body and your own well being, and now the imbalances may force you to visit the doctor. Of course this will also cause some material loss, because you will be unable to work for a couple of days. The 5 of coins is also linked to stress and anxiety related diseases, so one way or another you will be forced to rest and focus on your well being. The 10 of wands reversed, means that regardless of what the unpleasant situation signaled by the 5 of coins plays out as in your life, the compromise that you will have to make for your own well being will take a huge burden off your shoulders. It may take away some of your freedom and leave you feel indebted, but you will find the strength to accept the situation and ultimately find ideas, solutions which will improve your life in the long run, so you won’t feel any regret, on the contrary, by the end of March you will see the bright side of things, because the number ten represents the end of a cycle.


7of Cups & 8 of coins:

This is a beautiful combination, because the 7 of cups speaks of your emotional strength and resilience. You may have been through some very challenging times, where everything signaled to give up on your dreams, and to lower your standards. You embraced your inner truth and protected your dreams, and the reality you want to create for yourself with all your strength, and even though you may have been a bit wounded at times, even though you may have missed some good opportunities, but which demanded compromise you weren’t willing to make, even though you may have been feeling down and not yourself for some time, your dreams and future goals are still intact and your inner fire is starting to light up again. The 8 of coins doesn’t promise you that in March everything you hoped and dreamed is gonna come true, BUT it does promise you that significant progress is gonna be made. If, this situations means professional, career oriented goals, then situations are going to arise where you will have the chance to prove your mastery, professionalism, the sharpness of your intellect and your love and enthusiasm for that which you love doing, and proving yourself and your value as a professional is going to be what ultimately unites you with your goals. The 8 of coins can also signify new studies, courses, apprenticeship, or a mentor who’s gonna provide you with some valuable knowledge and know-how is gonna appear in your life. If the situation described by the 7 of cups refers to something emotional or spiritual in nature, then the 8 of coins means an evolution, advancement progress which will have a physical side as well. Leo:

3 of cups & 9 of coins:

This combination urges Leo natives to do what they do best: just be themselves and enjoy life. The 3 of cups has more than one meaning and the different meanings can be valid simultaneously. One of them speaks about the recent past, you may have had a hard time at work, or you might have put in way too much effort in creating stability and balance in your life. Thanks to your hard work and concentration, March is going to feel very different, at least from a psychological perspective, because you are going to be your lighthearted self and find a source of joy and pleasure in everything that you do. The 9 of coins also represents well earned rewards, beside the material benefit of the rewards, there is also honor and gratitude associated to it. This gratitude is double sided, because people who you helped and inspired in the past will show their gratitude, but it also comes from your Higher Self, telling you in different ways that you have all the reasons to be proud of the person who you are and all the decisions you took in the past! The 3 of cups can also mean that you are gonna be invited to a celebration of some sorts, this could be as simple as a night out with friends, or something as major as a wedding ceremony. Additionally, for single Leo natives the 3 of cups also represents a boost to their romantic life, while it doesn’t guarantee that you’re gonna find the love of your life, what it does promise is dates, flirts, and having a good time. For those of you who are in an established bond, this card represents the enjoyment of each others company and persona, and for those who have children, it could also represent the unity of the whole family. Last, but not least the 3 of cups represents inspiration, creativity, resourcefulness, an artistic way to go about things, and for freelancers and who own their own business this might mean a short term collaboration with someone very inspiring.


6 of cups reversed & Ace of wands reversed:

March isn’t going to be the easiest month for Virgo natives, but at least it will shed light on certain problems in their lives which cause stagnation and disharmony, and thus giving them the chance to eliminate them. The combination of cups and wands may suggest that the root of all problems are psychological in nature, cups being the symbol of emotions, and the wands symbolize the expression of those feeling, and because both are in a reversed position, it means that there is a blockage. The 6 of cups in reversed position suggests, that because of an old trauma or lack of trust from a very important person, you lack emotional clarity, are unsure of yourself and your own feelings, and from a strict emotional point of view you are reliving the past. This card can also suggest the lack of harmony between you and your friends and family, you might feel abandoned, forsaken emotionally. It doesn’t necessarily have to be linked to a person, it could just represent your old self, moments in your life when you were extremely fragile and vulnerable and all the fears of not repeating the same mistakes, and reliving the sense of failure. The Ace of wands represents your ideas, future plans, innovative efforts. You’ve made a huge progress in the recent past, you trusted your expertise, mastery, ideas and followed them through. But right now you may be feeling very disappointed because there are no immediate results, and practically you have no confirmation if your past decisions and actions were wise or unwise, you do not know where you stand, and what further actions need to be taken. The reversed position of this card, doesn’t mean that your choices were unwise, it merely means that you need to give yourself and your ideas time. You are way ahead of yourself and you might be rushing things, because you feel a sense of urgency. If you slow down, and accept the fact that you are NOT your thoughts and your fears, and allow the Universe to put the puzzle together when the time is most ideal. If you manage to do this, then you already turned the Ace of wands into upright position and March is going to fill you up with motivation, inner power, self-belief, and the feeling that things are gonna go very well for you. However if you let yourself drown in a sea of fears, then the only things you will achieve is sleepless night and disharmony with everyone around you. Trust in divine timing because you are going to make significant progress in March.


8 of swords reversed & 8 of swords reversed.

This is a very unusual combination because both the main card and the clarifier are the same and in the same position. These cards suggest that you have made very important progress in the recent past. You have done a lot of thinking and overthinking, you analyzed your life from every possible perspective, you might have done some meditation, yoga or any other practice which helps release stress and old traumas, and now you can finally enjoy the results. The month of March is going to be a another milestone in your journey to reach a state of material, emotional, mental and of course spiritual freedom. You have suffered a lot during the past 8 months, and you may have made some very unwise choices, you may have been misguided by your romantic and over-compassionate nature, but now you are in a state of clarity, in which you can see and understand why things turned out the way they did, and the Universe is going to give you those opportunities which you have been waiting for, but which demanded a lot of inner work. You are going to break free from all moral material and financial obligations, and work towards strengthening yourself, and the power that you hold over your own life. Finally after a long time, you are going to be the one who decides where life is going to take you next, and what elements, people, situations you’d like to have in your life and also eliminate and block out the ones you don’t desire and do not serve your best interest. If you are thinking about moving, traveling, going on an adventure, seeing the world, changing careers, becoming a freelancer or starting your own business, the double 8 of swords reversed is telling you that you will have the freedom to do so and every decision that you are gonna take will be guided by your own wisdom, awareness of Self, and a state of emotional clarity.


The Moon & Page of Cups:

The Moon card can signify more than one thing, which can be valid simultaneously. Firstly it represents your fears. The month of March may force you to make some decisions, some of which have a risk factor attached to them, in the sense that regardless what you do and what you choose, it could lead to disadvantage, but likewise it could also turn into something very positive. On another note, the Moon card can signify an emotional instability, a state of heightened irritability, the sensation that you are not doing enough for your loved ones, the feeling of not being valued, and ultimately a sense of solitude, but not the pleasant kind. Fortunately there is the Page of Cups which accompanies the Moon, so it also highlights the positive aspect of The Moon in Cancer (the astrological correspondent of this card) which means that you are going to stand from a place of compassion and comradery, your own fears and unstable emotions will be put aside because you are gonna support someone in your life who is going through a much more negative psychological phase than you are. Lending you moral and emotional support to someone who you love, will bring out the best in you, and the negative aspects of the Moon card are going to turn into virtues and emotional strength for both you and the person who you are going to support. The Page of cups signifies the contentment associated with receiving and giving love, thus offering you an emotional power to face all obstacles that you try and hinder you in March. The Moon card can also signify the return of some old medical problems which you might have faced in the past, or a flare up of current ones. Combined with the Page of Cups from a physical perspective it represents the healing power of the Moon, positive thinking, de-stressing, meditation and a good night’s sleep is going to make your life much easier.


9 of Cups reversed & The Sun

Despite of Jupiter, their ruler, being in his home sign since December last years, most Sagittarius natives didn’t enjoy the power of their ruler as much as they should have. Their undivided attention was more focused on the problems present in their lives, and all the things that make them unhappy, rather than the small joys, and that is why probably, Jupiter expanded the unpleasant feeling that those problems caused them, rather than expanding the positive aspects of their lives. The Sun card symbolizes, that in the month of March Sagittarius natives are gonna have the chance to focus on everything that’s positive and is a source of joy in their lives. If they muster the inner strength to do this and be grateful for what they have, and identify the permanent presence of good fortune and positivity in their lives, then this will give them the magnetism to attract positive situations, people, and greater manifestation of good fortune. The 9 of cups reversed, however, speaks of their innate empathy and the bad effects it can have on their lives. The astrological correspondent of 9 of cups is Jupiter in Pisces, which can be interpreted as the ultimate expression of generosity, compassion, empathy and self sacrifice. In the moth of March Sagittarius natives are challenged to focus upon themselves, and their own happiness and try their very best not to be affected by the problems and suffering which other people may go through, because getting involved way too deeply in the lives of others, no matter how close those people might be, will lead towards sharing their suffering and all the traumas that block them. If you manage to stay focuses and balanced, March can be a very beautiful month, full of sunshine in a spiritual and emotional perspective. Rather than to share the negativity of people around you, try and be your own source of happiness and joy and by doing this you can be an inspiration to anyone who is going through a hard time, and make your own down days much more bearable. The Sun card may also suggest that in the month of March you might become very active socially, making new friends, alliances, acquaintances with like minded people who are gonna have a positive effect on you.


10 of swords & Hanged man reversed:

The 10 of swords speaks about the past, where you might have suffered a bitter defeat in at least one area of your life. This could have been your career, where despite your best efforts and professional superiority it just didn’t work out, or life threw in surprises which forced you to abandon it and start something totally new, or it could have been your love life where no matter what sacrifices you made, it just didn’t work out. The energies of March are going to surprise you very pleasantly regarding this situation, because you are going to see the the logic, the non linear reasons why things turned out they way they did, and it will give you a sense of freedom and contentment with the choices you’ve made so far in your life. Additionally the 10 of swords also represents the end of the cycle, meaning that if your losses left you with a trauma, you are going to find release and resolution. The hanged man in reversed position compliments this perfectly, because you will find emotional clarity, you are going to enjoy living your own personal truth and whatever replaced that, which you lost in the past is going to show great progress and potential, thus promising you a very bright future and give you the strength to once again put all your efforts in whatever it is that you are doing, because the rewards are almost guaranteed. Additionally, the hanged man reversed means that your emotions are going to be under control, giving you the opportunity to benefit from your mental agility and your innate sense of logic, putting you into advantageous positions, because you are gonna be one step ahead of everyone, which is excellent news if you own your own business, are a student, or take part in a competition. Last, but not least the Hanged man reversed can also signify that someone very close to you is going through a very tough time or is facing illness, while currently you are very worried and this is having a massive effect on your well-being, in the future you will be able to accept the fact that you can’t live another person’s karma and offering your unconditional help and support is enough to make a difference .


The Tower reversed & 2 of coins reversed:

The Tower card reversed may mean that you are not living your life totally authentically. It may suggest that many things that you do, many things that you show the world, even many things which you do for yourself, are meant to create the impression, the illusion that you have everything under total control and your life is going well. The Tower reversed means that you may not listen to your emotions, or align with your inner truth, but rather you impose the way you have to feel and act, either because life or your career demands this from you, or because you are trying to out maneuver “society”. While investing the sharpness of your intellect, your innate wisdom, your mastery and knowledge of psychology into life tactics may not be the best idea long-term, the month of March is definitely going to advantage you, in the sense that everything that you show, every gesture of yours is gonna be noticed and you are gonna get admiration and recognition from many sources. Regarding your career this could play out in the gain of a great advantage over your competitors, regards to your love life, this will mean that your partner is gonna be almost totally under your control. As I mentioned before, this may be a good idea in the close future, just be sure not to believe your own illusions and always know your most authentic inner truth, because life has already shown you on several occasions that the Tower can crumble when it’s under too much pressure. Also showing the world just how well you are doing may attract envy and toxic people. The 2 of coins reversed warns you to be careful because in the month of March you are gonna have the tendency to overspend and manage your finances in very unwise ways. This implies buying things that you don’t really need, and aiming for the most expensive and exquisite items. Overspending on luxury items, expensive holidays, unnecessary travels, and being way too generous may not be a good idea.


The Empress & The Chariot

This is a superb combination which promises a very successful month. The Empress can signify material abundance, rewards, stability, being in a state of flow materially, an excellent time for business, projects, the material benefits of your creativity. Career wise the Empress is the astrological representation of Venus in Taurus, which means an excellent time to harvest the fruits of your labor, and everything that you’re gonna invest effort and energy into is going to bare fruits. En excellent time to upgrade or to expand if you own your own business. From an emotional perspective, The Empress can mean a new relationship for male Pisces natives, or fertility and pregnancy for female natives. If you have been flirting and dating someone, and there is at least a spark of emotion present, this could be a perfect time to turn it into something stable. The Chariot represents your own triumph in that area of your life on which you are currently focusing all your attention towards. Additionally this could also represent a journey, travels, or someone visiting you, and there is an emotional satisfaction, the feeling of fulfillment attached to it. From a spiritual perspective the Chariot signifies the unity of emotion and thought, and by achieving this state, you have the chance to manifest something that you desire deeply in the present.

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