James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | February Readings for All Signs!Monday 31st March 2025

February Readings for All Signs!


I am happy to share with you some readings for February compiled by my friend the master astrologer Zan.  His talent is beyond what words can describe!  I have the pleasure of collaborating with Zan on the new website One Million Nights (www.onemillionnights.com) that will be launching this month!  I hope you are enjoying the winter as the days get longer and we inch closer to spring.  I wish you all a Happy Valentine’s Day as well!


Knight of wands reversed: This card tells you that February is going to be a very soliciting month psychologically. This month things might not go according to plan, there might be delays, or situations of bad timing, which can quickly lead towards feelings of anger and frustration. While, there are going to be lots of inconveniences, small and petty problems, situations meant to annoy and irritate you, minor conflicts and misunderstandings, none of these will represent major problems or setback, if you learn to control your temper, think before you act, and try to be as gentle as possible with everyone around you. The right attitude, self discipline and emotional stability can perfectly shield you from anything life throws at you. Additionally, the Knight of wands represents ideas, ambitions, significant progress in one’s personal evolution, career and studies, but because it’s in reversed position it means that you have to be careful not to rush things. All of your ideas, contemplation, plans for the future are the right ones, and following them through will lead you to greater financial stability, but also much more freedom, and time for yourself. The blessings and changes that you desire are coming into your life, BUT you need to learn to be patient and to allocate reasonable time for everything to fall into place, hasting and rushing things will only delay progress and be counter productive.


Ace of Wands: The Ace of wands is a fantastic sign for Taurus natives. It doesn’t just signify change, but it represents the change that you have been waiting for. But under no circumstance will this change just instantly fall into your lap, it will take the shape of an inner power, an inner calling, a moment of epiphany that can change your whole outlook on life. This change starts with new wishes and desires or better said an “upgrade” of your existing wises and desires, where all the things you want to accomplish in the near future, won’t be just images, or ideas in your head, but life will start to show you the right path towards obtaining that which you desire the most. The clearer the idea is in your mind, the stronger the emotion is in your heart, the quicker the Universe is going to guide you and open doors for you which until this point have been closed. Don’t necessarily take this as a sign of good fortune, because you worked for this, you lived through lots of difficult times, you’ve made lots of sacrifices in the past, and now it’s simply time to harvest the rewards of your past actions. There’s also an element of karmic justice towards this, because Aces are considered to be gifts from the Divine, which have to be earned spiritually. This new and fresh energy that comes into your life isn’t just going to lead you towards material gains, but it’s also going to give you a great sense of pride. Pride for the person who you became, pride that you always followed your heart, and pride that you were strong enough to be harsh to yourself when life demanded this.


Page of Swords reversed: The Page of Swords reversed tell the story of adaptation. Many significant changes happened to Gemini natives recently, and it could be that all your future plans suddenly changed, or they simply lost their practicality, because you are living a slightly different life than you were a couple of months ago. The Page of swords reversed warns you not to listen to anyone, but yourself. Trust in your wisdom, trust in the sharpness of your mind, trust in the superiority of your intellect, because you hold the answers to all of your questions, involving the opinions of others, regardless how close they are to you is a mistake. It also warns you not to jump to any conclusion too fast and to be very careful the way you express yourself because saying the wrong/inappropriate thing at the wrong time will lead you towards regret and loss of friendships. Also, it signifies that advising others, or making promises this month is very counter productive, because your lives are going through constant change, evolution and adaptation, and it hasn’t reached a state of real stability and grounding, therefore you might not be able to keep promises you make during this time. This also applies to promises you make to yourself. Be patient and calm your thoughts and your chaotic mind, and wait for the right moments to act/speak/initiate.


4 of Swords: This card signifies that at least one area of your life is stagnating, and that Cancer natives are starting to panic and lose their patience. This situation is life, isn’t something negative, but it’s rather the Universe telling you that you need rest. This doesn’t necessarily mean physical rest, but there’s also a physical element to this as well. Your intellectual, emotional, spiritual and creative activities have left you extremely tired and exhausted and you need to recharge your batteries. Because there were so many things (and still are) going on in your life, many times you had to switch priorities and invest all your emotional energies into variable things. It could have been related to your work/job/career, that needed an emotional boost, or it could have been relationship and love issues, which needed your undivided attention, or perhaps someone very dear to you was in great difficulty and you had to help with everything that you had in you. Right now most areas of your life are moving forward, but very slowly but steadily, the time isn’t ripe for anything major to happen, so take this time and rest. Allocate as much time as you possibly can to yourself and do all the things and activities that charge you up energetically and emotionally. Also do not neglect the physical aspect either, because you might suffer from vitamin (or other minerals/elements) insufficiency and it’s starting to take a toll on your health. Perhaps it would be a good time to go for a medical checkup.


The Judgment: This card tells the story that you guys have been through a lot during the last couple of months and it left you tired and drained of spirit. You might have been disappointed or backstabbed by people who you thought to be good friends, or suffered some kind of injustice, this could be legal, or simply moral. The Judgment card tells you that the Universe is ready to intervene, karma is going to come into your life very soon, and it’s going to sort out all those things that you feel you’ve suffered undeservedly. Regardless if these events are going to be material, moral, or take the shape of an apology, an offering, a compensation, they are going to make you feel a lot better. Additionally, you don’t have to be a victim of injustice to benefit from this, because past good deeds, past compassion, help, unconditional support you provided to others, can quickly return into your life in the form of good karma, making every single one of your good deeds reflect back at you.


10 of wands. This card signifies that Virgo natives are working harder than every and focusing with all their power towards the realization of their current goals. These goals could be material in nature (career, work, job) or they could take any other shape or form (like making improvements in your relationship, working towards redecorating your house, etc), but regardless of what they are, they are means to offer Virgo natives a much more reliable, stable and enjoyable future. Take this as an investment for their future and to share this with their loved ones. Their compassion and love gives them incredible power and determination, but because their goals are so noble, they will very soon realize that they took upon themselves too much. The 10 of wands depicts a situation when your duties, and routine becomes a very heavy burden on your soul, and it’s no longer providing any pleasure or emotional reward. This card warns Virgo natives that it is imperative that this month they delegate and share responsibilities and duties as much as they can, because there are people around them who can help, and trying not to burden those around you with your own problems might be a mistake. Know that you are doing a fantastic job, your resilience and work ethic is admirable, but do not try to do all of it alone, because it will leave you drained of life and spirit.


The Moon reversed. This card suggest that Libra natives are going to go through a very emotional period, when they have the tendency to go within themselves and regenerate their spiritual and emotional energies. During this time they might be very irritable, sensitive, have the tendency to spend time in sacred solitude, and indulge in the pleasures of life. The Moon card in reversed position also warns you that your thoughts are not particularly clear, and your intuition might guide you towards illusionary paths. This isn’t a good time to be extremely altruistic, to perform big gestures of generosity and compassion, because they will be very counter productive, and not only will they go without any sort of reward or even gratitude, but they might also put you in a bad situation. It’s also not a good time to start new relationships, or to form associations and partnership with others, because you have a tendency to be either way too innocent and naive in your way of thinking and how you perceive others, or your romantic nature and optimism will blind you and you could be walking into the trap of narcissistic people. It’s a perfect time to go within and contemplate, think about life and other philosophical subjects, as long as you are fully aware that the revelations you may get during this time may only lead you towards the discovery of inner truth, that have no application in the “real” world, so take them as such.


2 of Swords reversed. This card suggests, that very important decisions are awaiting you, and that you will have absolutely everything you need to succeed. The 2 of swords usually has a negative meaning (it means the inability to decide, due to the fact that you can’t see the truth or there are things you don’t know yet), but reversed it means that you will acquire all the clarity, information, truths, communication, documents, advice you need in order to get to where you want. It also suggest that very soon you will find the means to terminate all those issues from your life which are holding you back, if those issues are legal, official in nature or have anything to do with a financial or governmental institution. This is a perfect time to start your own business, get a loan, solicitate help/ aid from an expert, work towards eliminating a debt, get a mortgage, make an investment. Also this card signifies clarity in other areas of life, for example socially, you might get feedback, a reflection of how other around you perceive you and think about you, what the true feelings of your partner are, any plans that someone might have induced you in etc. Sagittarius:

3 of Swords. This is a very feared card from the Tarot deck, because it signifies heartache. But heartache, and emotional suffering ultimately leads to freedom and the binding of psychological and emotional wounds. This could translate into a massive disappointment, that reaches you from a person you didn’t expect this from, or if you have a conflictual relationship with someone, it could signify that the conflict is going to evolve further, and it will lead to separation. It might not necessarily involve a specific person, it could also come from a realization that your efforts were in vane in at least one area of your life, in which case it could mean that you are disappointed with yourself and with your life, or it could signify that these bad emotions are generated by an entity (company) or their representative: institution, boss, manager, etc. The positive side is, that this event is karmic, and it has to happen in order to shake you up from the inside, and wake you up to a new reality. The true benefits of this situation will shine upon you, after you manage to reverse the 3 of swords, leading to recuperation, end of heartache, and the joy of the wisdom and life experience gained from all of this.


5 of wands. This is the card of challenge, competition, measuring your strength, evaluation your worth, working towards earning something by merit. This could be new opportunities at work/career wise, which can only be granted to one person, and you will do everything in your power, for that person to be YOU!. It could also mean exams, dissertation, finishing up your studies, working towards a degree etc. For some natives this could mean the literal sense of entering and winning a competition of some kind, or being selected for a trial which has great rewards if completed. Regardless of how this competition, “fight” is going to enter your life, you will have success, and this experience is going to greatly advantage you in the future. In rare cases is means real conflict, fight, the opposition of 2 wills, but the outcome is a pleasant one, because sometimes friends have to clash in order to better understand each other. If such a situation might arise in your life, be sure to express your feelings, emotions, everything that you feel and think, because it will lead to the strengthening of the bond.


High Priest: This card could have a lot of different meanings, but I feel that in your situation is you becoming a figure of authority. This mustn’t necessarily happen in your career or at work, it could happen in your family life, or in your circle of friends. You actions, decisions, your skills and masteries are going to be greatly admired and even solicited by those around you, so this position is a honorary one. Career wise, it could mean more than just honor, you might be catapulted up the power ladder, in this case the High Priest can signify your new position: a leader, manager, advisor, counselor, executive, CEO etc. For those of you who are in a long term relationship, the High Priest is very good news because it signifies marriage, the unity of your lives in an official, legal, contractual way. If you are parents, it could be that you take an honorary position at their wedding, or someone from your social circle offer you this opportunity.


The High Priestess reversed. This card signifies the wisdom and power of the soul and of intuition, also it represents the spiritual power of Pisces natives. Since it is reversed it warn you NOT to tell your secrets to anyone, it advises you to keep everything that you feel, sense, and know to yourself, because there is an increased tendency for others to use and abuse you during this time. While upright the High priestess would represent that wisdom and advice that you would give to others, reversed it means that you need to keep it for yourself and use it in your own advantage. Situations are going to occur which will need just that, a spiritual guidance, inner wisdom, emotional intelligence and self-knowledge, in order for you to make the right choices. So you have to make sure that you are full of energy, calmness, have a clear mind and your thoughts are not in conflict with your emotions. This is a perfect time to withdraw from social activities and spend some time alone meditating and recharging your batteries.

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