James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | October Full Moon Readings by Master Psychic and Astrologer ZanMonday 31st March 2025

October Full Moon Readings by Master Psychic and Astrologer Zan

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I am pleased to present to you the following full moon astrological readings for the month of October compiled by my friend Zan, who is an accomplished psychic, medium and Wiccan priest having taught and practiced for years in the United Kingdom.  I am looking forward to collaborating more with him on a new platform launching soon called One Million Nights (www.onemillionnights.com) which will gather together top quality psychics and spiritual workers of various traditions from around the world.  Simply scroll until you find your zodiac sign and enjoy!

Full Moon reading for Aries

For Aries This Full Moon is going to bring a couple of challenges. One of the challenges is to overcome the Self and the selfish tendencies. You may find that you are dealing with a situation in your life, where another person is highly dependent of you. This situation isn’t simply a material need, even though material, financial help is included. This in itself isn’t a big issue for Aries, since you guys were, are, and will always be a rock for those, who you love, so what I’m saying here…. you are always a helper, nothing new there, but this time around the help that you have to provide isn’t just a practical one, or a material boost, but it is a deep emotional support, a situation which forces you to be someone’s personal psychologist. This “someone” has to be a very close friend, or family member, because you are not forced to do this, you wish to do this with all your being. The true challenge here is, for you to adapt a very very gentle approach, to listen with an open heart, and to quench your own fiery spirits, you passion, your practicality, (the way you envisage the solutions). This is a true test of self discipline, because Aries isn’t the best counselor, because as soon as he hears the problem, the solution is already born in the mind, and Aries will try to practically apply it, immediately. This time around, guys, you will have to be very patient, you will have to bind and shackle your own inner strength in order to come through as understanding and gentle, for this is what the person who depends on your help, will mostly require. Ultimately this is the greatest challenge for an Aries, to sacrifice the expression of it’s own personality, impulses, passion for the greater good, and support someone even regarding decisions they might not agree with. This situation is perfectly depicted by the Emperor reversed. But as you can see, the reversed Emperor doesn’t need to act at all, because he has 2 of his greatest knights to do the work for him, The knight of swords (your intellect), which represents a friendly ear, and a shoulder to cry on, and the Knight of coins(your resilience), a sturdy, patient attitude. While this situation might be challenging for most Aries, the rewards, especially the emotional ones, will be the true gift of this Full Moon in Taurus, the satisfaction of helping someone who you really love and seeing them get better every day will simply ennoble you and turn you into a better person. The temperance together with the 10 of coins means that you might have had a small financial gain in the recent past, or are expecting it, one which will come very handy because Full Moon in Taurus will encourage you to go on a spending spree. You will delight and indulge all your senses, this could mean, trying exotic foods, buying an expensive fragrance, clothes, electronic gadgets, etc that you have been eyeing for some time now.And it isn’t just about you, sharing the joy and the pleasures with other people. While this spending impulse will be a very very strong one, the Full Moon will greatly amplify the pleasures that you get out of it. And finally this coming Full Moon has one last gift for you. As the 5 of coins reversed suggests, in the recent past you might have been isolated a little bit from friends, acquaintances, society, you might have felt disappointed, even betrayed by certain people you didn’t expect it from, in other words, you were left out in the cold emotionally. Now, this situation is going to change for you. Either it’s going to be a social event of some sorts, where you will attend, or a good friend (an air sign Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) who is going to lighten up your spirit and take you out in the world. The true blessing comes when you change your attitude, and let your hurt go and be your life loving, fiery, passionate self. The astrological configuration and the Full Moon in Taurus is going to help you make connections, socially, and you will meet new people and it’s the beginning of something totally new. We are talking about something which is not as simple as finding a new group or circle of friends, but something which you can identify yourself with and help you express who you are, and for an Aries expressing the Self and when that expression is being received positively, with acceptance and joy creates a state of bliss, a state depicted perfectly by the 9 of cups.

So In short, the Full Moon is going to help you become a better person, and to find yourself in things that you love doing. And the love that the Universe is sending your way is going to manifest in pleasures of the senses, everything that money can buy. 

Full Moon reading for Taurus

Let’s see what blessings this Full Moon is going bring to the natives of Taurus. Before we get on with the reading, once again, I must highlight the fact that, this month’s Full Moon, is going to take place in YOUR sign, so it makes this astrological event twice as important and life changing for you guys! The first row of the reading opened by the Empress (which is actually the symbol of Taurus in the Tarot, notice the Venus symbol on the heart next to her throne) suggests that you have had a very very tough year, and there were several occasion where everything in your life, material, emotional, spiritual social went out of control, and you felt that you were losing everything. The Upright position of the Empress suggests, not only that you survived, and managed excellently the whole situation, but also that you tried you very best to survive and deal with all issues with your head held up high. Right now, even though, you life reached stability, things are in fact, starting to work, the gears are starting to turn, you are attracting everything you need in your life, you are literally the Empress who is holding everything together, and working hard to ensure that the chaos of this year never happens in your life ever again. But there are things which are not going as well as you hoped for, this isn’t a material aspect, it has little to do with money or finances, what it has to do with is self worth and appreciation. The stability you reached, is indeed, holding your life together, but the scars that you suffered are still very visible psychologically. Emotionally you got all the help and support you needed from your close ones (as the queen of cups suggests you are doing more than ok), but it is society (and how you appear in the eyes of society) and your career (maybe burned out, no longer satisfies you, it feels like a burden) you have problems with. The Judgment reversed means that you still feel that you are NOT where you want to be, you feel that life is still unfair to you, because you know your own worth, you know just how good, talented skilled you are, yet still you just can’t seem to find the BIG opportunity in life that you so desperately need to express you professional knowledge, experience and the mastery…. all of which you worked crazy hard all your life for. It’s like you have a huge bundle of talent, potential, initiative, an infinite well of creative energy, hopes and dreams (BIG dreams), but somehow life just doesn’t wanna let you express these. For some young Tauruses, it isn’t so much about work, or career, but it’s about starting your own family, marriage, union of souls to form a little world of your own, and last but not least childbirth. Some of you may feel that you are more ready, than you have ever been to have a baby, and this desire to become a mother/father is increasing, and causing you deep in-satisfaction, even depression, and yet life still doesn’t think that you are ready, when material aspects aren’t an obstacle anymore then something else comes into play to prevent you from conceiving a child. What I generally get from this reading is that, regardless if it’s career/work, or starting a new life, starting a new business/project, or trying to have a child, you feel that you have so very much creative energy built up inside you, almost trying to burst out, like a volcano, yet you still haven’t found the proper means to it, even though you tried so so hard, and various different ways. This Full Moon, is in fact going to be the beginning of the end for you. Sounds scary right? Well you shouldn’t feel even the slightest fear, rather excitement. The Devil reversed is telling you that the time for foolish ambitions, fake values, limitations of the mind, old childhood traumas, misconceptions about your own self are all going to be revealed to you. This is the beginning of FREEDOM of the mind and of the soul. The Devil reverse, is your own psyche and the blockages, limitations, emotional package that you have been carrying in your soul for such a long time, and the sweet light of the Moon will shine brightly upon your mind and soul, and all of that will be revealed, you will find all the answers that you have been seeking, (these are spiritual and deep emotional answers, for example why am I so unlucky, why aren’t things working out for me, why don’t I benefit from good Karma when I did so much good in the world), and with clarity, lucidity comes a great change. A change of attitude, a change of heart, a different much deeper perspective from which you look at your life with, self forgiveness, self love, and understanding of your soul. A unity and harmony with your Self. And at the end of the day full contentment, joy and gratitude, that you are the person who you are today, so all struggles, all failures, all broken dreams and drowned ambitions turned you into a much wiser and more loving person, as the Hermit suggests. This Full Moon for you will be one of gratitude where you will stop seeking those values that were so very important to you in the past, and start appreciating those huge blessings that you already have in your life. This is truly a time of epiphany, of self analysis and of purification, where you purge the tricks of the mind, fake expectations, old traumas from your soul, and start anew. This new start, that I an taking about will be very much a material one, a new job, new career, new hobby, a new way to express your creativity and your personality (Knight of coins), but beware, the Universe is a trickster, whatever comes you way, won’t be anything that you might expect, (Magician reversed) it will come as a total surprise, but a welcomed one which will exceed that which, you can anticipate at this time being. (The Magician reversed means your current plans and the way you anticipate your future). Last but not least, whatever comes in your way, will be something suitable, where you can put all your effort, strength, soul in and it will become very fertile next year. 8 of coins suggest work in progress, not only planting the seeds for a future harvest but nurturing the ground, the earth, making sure it stays fertile, and protecting your crops fro the elements, so they can grow and prosper. 

Full Moon reading for Gemini

Hello my beautiful and fabulous Gemini friends, and welcome to your special October Full Moon reading. So please join me in the following, as we analyze together what changes this Full Moon in Taurus has in stall for you guys. 

The King of wands reversed, means that you have been trough a lot of emotional stress, there were times, when situations which occurred in your life, drained the very last drop of initiative, spontaneous ingenuity, joy of life, excitement for the mysterious and unknown future from your souls. You had to be that King of wands, not only for yourself, but for other people, and we’re not talking about family and close friends (obviously they are included in this, but the love a Gemini has for these people is infinite, and not sufficient to drain him/her), but rather people who are linked to you professionally, people in various areas in your life, all of whom needed your Gemini intellect, your mental acrobatic skills, your flexibility, your infinite reservoir of ideas. You gave everything you had, in order to fulfill your moral duties, and right now you feel, drained, lack ideas, lack the will to be your own King, your own leader (sometimes slave driver) and emotionally you feel drained and totally exhausted. You feel like putting your sword down, letting your inner fire and passion burn out, the cinders are slowly dying, and the toxic fumes chocking you, which are emanating from your environment are also not a great deal of help. 

But not all is lost friends, the 10 of coins and Page of coins have a very important message for you. The time to rest, to recuperate, to rekindle the inner fire and passion is not here yet. Yes, you may feel the need for it, you may be dying to do some things for yourself and most importantly have some YOU time, to dive deeply into your own multidimensional mind and colorful soul and all the wonders that can be found there, all of this to find regeneration, new strength, new ideas, new goals, and last but not least to clean up other people’s mental filth that you accumulated throughout this year. Do not worry, do not be alarmed, the time for this will come in November-December period, when the astrological context will favor your star-sign and it will be YOUR chance to shine. But for now, there’s LOTS of important work to be done, and you have to be your own best friend and to be fully, 110%, present in your life in order for things to work out. 

The 10 of coins is one of the situation which will require your full attention. There is a chance for you to sort out your finances, but it will require careful planning, and full presence of the mind, the Page of coins suggests that the timing of which things and events succeed each other chronologically is very important. 10 of coins, for some of you will also mean a BIG investment, something that you have been waiting for to invest your hard earned money in, and that something will influence your life, future, your financial situation for the coming years. This could be a new job (much better paid one), a BIG purchase, a new project with promises professional fulfillment and wealth, an unexpected financial gain, like a very valuable present, winnings, good fortune of all sorts. While it will come a bit surprisingly, it’s not a HUGE shock to any Gemini, because either you have been working your asses off for this, or you have been waiting for this all year or even longer. I must highlight the fact, that this is merely the beginning (as the Page of coins suggests) just the very first stages of manifestation, the full aspect of this will come after the Full Moon, probably in November, December and the beginning of 2019. From a different perspective, and I mentioned before the King of wands was reversed, you were tired, you reached your limits, but as you see things slowly coming together for you, your mind will start to find peace and focus on other aspects of life. And this is where the 10 of cups comes into play. As soon as the worry and the bad thoughts that were pressing down on your whole being start to lift, your quirky, optimistic, child like spirit will emerge and draw happy, joyful situations in your life like a powerful magnet. In other words good things will start to happen, things what will bring you emotional fulfillment, union with friends, family, get together, invitations to events (where you will the the star of the show), a sense of unity and stability within the family (parents, spouse, children, more distant relatives), there will be lots to celebrate and be joyful for. For those of you who are in a steady relationship, peace and appreciation and a rekindling of your love is very likely to happen, and this is one of those events which greatly contribute to your happiness and peace of mind. (Note that in Tarot the Lovers card is the symbol of Gemini) For those of you who are single, this might mean that Cupid might have some unexpected plans for you, your life will get very complicated all of a sudden, but this is the sort of complication that you have been waiting for. Venus retrograde slowly moving from the sign of Scorpio into her native sign of Libra has a big influence in all of this. But before she leaves Scorpio ruled by the carnal Pluto, I would advise all Gemini lovers out there to be careful, because this can also give birth to third party situations. While in present and immediate future you might feel the 3 of cups (inspiration, a boost of life, feeling very energized and sexually, aesthetically appreciated by your lover), this might be a dangerous situation if it escalates and evolves….. I repeat for those of you who are already in a stable relationships. For those of you who are single.. I can only say Carpe Diem and why not Noctem:). 

Last but not least the 5 of coins reversed, means recovery from illness, if you have suffered from bad health, hormonal imbalances, even mental and psychological problems like anxiety, depression, etc. this is the time to recover, to find your balance. But this isn’t something granted, you need to take care of your bodies, your health, to nurture and nurse yourself, and only in this case will recovery and healing take place. Also very important, this Full Moon in Taurus, which is all about physical well being, will show you WHY the health problems occurred, what you did in order to create the imbalances for your body, and this is the perfect chance and opportunity to get rid of addictions and bad habits which damage your health. The Empress signifies that this Full Moon, gives you the chance to fully rebalanced your life, both mentally, health wise, money wise and most importantly spiritually. This balance is very much needed, because November is a very important month for you guys, the sky and planets will be your allies, it will be your time to shine and make important decisions, but in order to bring out the very best from this Divine blessing, you need to be very lucid and balanced, and last but not least in good health!

Full Moon reading for Cancer

Hello my lovely Cancer friends, and welcome to your October Full Moon reading. When I shuffled the cards and asked the Universe to show me the guidance for your sign, during the shuffling a card popped out, so I would like to start the reading with that one, 7 of swords reversed. This means that before we get to the Full Moon, a very important information, or a clarity on a situation is going to reach you. 7 of swords usually means setting your self free from situations in which you no longer wish to be in, situations which have a negative effect on you. This could also mean that you were caught in a dispute between 2 sides and perhaps you might have been forced to take a side. But since it is reversed, it means that you will indeed, take a side, YOUR side, and end toxic relationships and situation which you consider not only unjust for yourself, but for everyone involved in it. It is a release of a worry, and light being shed on hidden matters, deceptions and lies. They might have taken you as a fool, as naive, but the Universe and the Moon is your ally and it will show you exactly what you need to see in order to make the best decisions and protect yourself from manipulative people. The first row of the reading starting with 5 of cups, means that you are not very happy with a situation in your life. This might be a relationship, an alliance, a friendship, work (but not from the material point of view, but inter-human relationship wise) something which is no longer serving it’s purpose, and it’s dragging you down. You haven’t said the final BYE yet, as we can see the 9 of coins means that in the past it was to your advantage and it brought you not just material stability, but also contentment, joy, you felt like you were in your element, included, as being part of something, which is one of the most important aspects of life for your sign. Yet, now you are in deep thought, you are ready to leave, but are not sure of yourself, not sure if it’s the right course of action, there is still a small hope in your heart that perhaps, things can be mended, or maybe you even consider that “it’s not them, it’s you”, but as the Moon reversed suggests, it is NOT a very good moment take make any decisions, because you might be very down psychically, you might have the blues, and lots of fears and traumas from the past are resurfacing and giving you sleepless nights and are kind of close to depressions. That’s why, right now and in the close future, your feelings, intuition, thoughts, general outlook on life are not your allies, the best course of action is to not listen to anyone, not even to yourself, just take some time out, and let the inner turmoil settle down a bit. You soul, right now, is like a lake, agitated, stirred up, by a great storm, so the water is very muddy, impossible to see through. Clarity and the time to make a decisions comes, after the mud goes down to the bottom and the water becomes crystal clear. The three of wands reversed means that your patience is wearing thin, problems are building up rapidly, and as the 8 of swords suggests, because of this you feel bound and totally helpless, because the solutions do not depend on you. Some solutions depend on the passing of time, dates, appointments, schedule, while certain solutions depend on promises made to you by other people (like friends, or professionals who you turned too, like lawyer, accountant etc.). This also suggests that most of the problems you will be dealing with are not emotional ones, but things that have to do with communication, papers, authorities, institutions. The World card upright is the bearer of good news, do not worry, stress, despair, if things move a bit slower than expected, or maybe right now they are a bit stuck and stagnant, they are destined to have a positive resolution, as the World upright is the card of good endings, positive, favorable resolution. It also suggests that all these problems that appear in your life, are not meant to test your patience and resilience, but rather to teach you to trust yourself and find the balance between the inner time and outer time. When you worry, stress, time inside your soul accelerates very rapidly, and it causes you to see things very distorted and to amplify the problems, making them appear much much bigger than they really are. As a Cancer, of course your natural state of being is when you are calm inside and can do things in your own time, your own way and to have a bit of fun and laugh along the way, but there are times in life when you just have to adapt to the situation and learn not to worry as much. The last column with the the of wands reversed, may seem a bit frightening but it’s actually good news. It tells you that the Universe is well aware that your burdens are so many and are so heavy that you can barely keep on going forward, but it assures you that no person get’s a heavier cross than one can possibly bare. It also tells you that 50% of the burdens you carry on your back are not actually your own, you worry about other people dear to you, and that amplifies your own state of lack of energy. But since the card is reversed and the number 10 … it means you are at the end of the marathon, you are almost at the finishing life, the hardships are almost over, and you are going to lose one burden at a time, until you are your happy, life loving, and content self once again. The Temperance card reversed means that you have to pay attention to your health, because your hormonal imbalances, or maybe mineral imbalances in your body are not doing you any favors, so a healthier diet, and taking the time to focus on your self and your own well being is imperative. The last card the King of wands, bares very good news, the burdens depicted by the 10 of wands will be taken off your shoulder, someone, possibly a fire sign (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) is going to find an ingenious solution to your problems, and this will cause you to feel relieved, and he might even turn all the burdens and all the problems that you are facing into something profitable! This Full Moon for you guys, blesses you with the help you so much need, someone either new or already present in your life, who is loyal to you guys, is coming to your rescue! 

Full Moon reading for Leo

Hello my fiery Leo friends and welcome to your Full Moon reading. 

First of all the Wheel of Fortune with the King of Swords and Strength reversed tells the story that Universe might have been playing a wicked game on you. You may feel as if, luck may have abandoned you, things that you really wished to accomplish and probably worked hard for, simply just didn’t fall into place, either, they were delayed, or because of a silly error on your behalf, they didn’t turn out too well, or promises that were made to you by reliable people were not honored. 

All of these unfortunate string of events, which may cause you to feel unlucky in the present, had an impact on your self confidence, you may feel weak,the lack of strength, you may be going through a time where you simply don’t feel like yourself and it is hard for you to trust anyone. 

Do not worry! Your luck hasn’t really abandoned you! You were just a little bit over ambitious and wanted to haste things. This year you may have put a LOT of effort into doing things that are very important to you, you may have fought with fang and claw towards achieving your goals, your dreams, and some of these are BIG dreams, things that you wanted for years, but no matter how much you wanted them things just didn’t wanna move forward, it seemed like nothing would break the stagnation. And this is where your fiery Leo spirit comes into play, because if the Universe didn’t wanna favor you, no problem at all, you took matters in your own hands, and forcefully shook up everything in your life and broke the stagnation. Especially in the summer period, the future looked bright, it seemed like all your efforts would be paying off, things started moving in your favor and you were so close to achieving that what you wished for. All this great effort, investment of all your strength(especially mental strength), so that stagnation kicks in again? You might think that the Universe is playing against you, but this couldn’t be more true. 

The Universe, is in fact, your greatest ally, and here is the reason why things turned out the way they did. Your life wasn’t ready, it wasn’t fertile enough, you had people in it who weren’t deserving to share your joy and success, that’s why everything was put in hold for you, so that the snakes and parasites in your life could show their true colors. If this hasn’t happened yet, be sure that it is coming and it is unavoidable. The Universe wants to make sure that you only share your happiness and love and your deep caring nature with people who actually deserve you and would do the same for you. The 5 of coins reversed, with the Empress reversed tells you this exact same thing. Let go! You are too strong fro your own good, you are too ambitious for your own good, you can’t accept failure, because you worked so hard and put so much soul into everything, you can’t even comprehend the thought, that your will might not manifest. But the change of fortune comes with letting go, learn to take things way less seriously, let things flow on their own accord. This time around you are the cause of the stagnation because you try to enforce your own will. Know that what you started at the beginning of the year and especially summer is GOING to HAPPEN, but it will only be completed, once the timing is right, once you chill out, let go of all expectations, let go of your ambitions, and reach a state of flow, lightheartedness, all of this will amplify your joy and happiness, once you achieve your goal and the Wheel of fortune shines upon you once again. If you’d be successful with the current state of mind, it wouldn’t really bring you much happiness because, the process of achieving it tired you out, and you wouldn’t feel much accomplishment, on the contrary many of you would feel rather disappointed by the fact that, yes, you did it finally, but you paid a heavy price for it. The Universe doesn’t want this, it wants you to feel it as a divine gift, it wants you to feel special and supported, and it wants you to share your happiness with all the world. And this is exactly what the Ace of coins represents, physical well being, joy of life manifested physically, something you can feel with all your senses. And it is coming for you, the change, the result of you actions, the good fortune, all of it is coming, just let go of your expectations. 

The Devil with the Queen of coins and Ace of Cups reversed, means that someone who is/was close to you, it can either be family member, very close friend, relative will disappoint you and will back stab you. The Devil signifies conflict, lies, deception, lack of honesty, manipulation coming from someone who should be your friend and ally. The light of this Full Moon is going to reveal all, and while the disappointment will cause suffering and probably tears (Ace of Cups reversed) it is one of those truths that you have ti imperatively see and know in order to move forward, and it is one of the reasons why the Universe might no cooperate with you, because you are “feeding” a very undeserving person. But do not worry, neither be sad, because all of this will increase your self worth, you will see the imperfections and lack of loyalty in another person, and appreciate the fact that you are not like that and will never become someone with such a low sense of morality. The queen of Coins also indicates that for some of you “lionesses” the Full Moon’s gift will be a pregnancy, or a new opportunity for financial or material gain. 

Full Moon reading for Virgo

Hello to all my gorgeous Virgo friends and welcome to your Full Moon reading for October. The first line of the reading suggests that you are working your boots off, it’s all about work, it’s all about endurance, effort, holding your ground and enduring all the challenges that are coming your way. These challenges that are represented by the 9 and 10 of wands are not few in numbers, in fact metaphorically speaking it’s like a barrage of arrows (each arrow is a new challenge, complication, work related issue, cause of stress), it’s not really about quality and the severity of the problems, but more about the quantity, which seems to be like a bottomless well. This is exactly the reason why the King of swords is reversed. You have the ideas, you have all the solutions, you have the connections, you even have the resources, what you do not have is time. You are clearly multitasking, but fortunately thanks to your own ingenuity and probably the blessing of your astrological ruler Mercury, you always seem to be just half a step ahead of all the workload, but it still isn’t enough, it doesn’t buy you the time your require to concentrate on that which is very important to you. But do not worry, as the numbers suggest 9 and 10 this will not last forever, your work will pay off, and when you finally get the chance for a break it will be very much appreciated. 

Also, something that I find very very important to mention, is that the burdens you bare, and the work that you do are not in vane, it’s not a futile effort or miss-invested strength, but a necessity, a requirement for future success, so the Universe wants you to know, that yes it’s hard, yes your back is very sore from all the weight you carry, and you even feel like you’ll fall to pieces if you take on anymore, but all of this will be rewarded, this is like the Ultimate exam of tolerance and endurance, an exam which when passed, is going to catapult you to a whole new professional level. 

The second row looks a little bit frightening, with the presence of the Tower there, yes things are falling out of place, yes your exaggerated expectations, your unrealistic idealism is going to crumble to dust, but it will also ground you, it will cleanse your mind and heart of “the grass is greener on the other side”, it will bring you back to reality, a reality which may not be pink tinted, but it’s stable and most of all it’s YOURS. And this is exactly what the Hanged man reverse signifies, a change of perspective, all the negative events of the recent past and present, all the lack of success, all the losses and disaster is meant to prevent you from investing too much in unrealistic goals, it is meant to stop you from finishing your Babel tower, because ruled by Mercury, Virgos are embodiment of wisdom, so it’s not hard for you guys to guess what the outcome of illusionary work is. This change of perspective, will give you clarity and strengthen your spirit to work and aim for things which matter to you more than anything else in life, and at the end of the day, to appreciate that which you already have. In the light of this, the 5 of wands doesn’t necessarily mean a battle, a conflict with someone else, but rather with your own spirit, with your own rebellion, with the uprising of your own dissatisfaction which are slowly starting to drown the person who you became.

But this inner battle will be brought on by the ungratifying nature of your partners, colleagues, people who you are connected with. 

The third row guided by the High Priestess, bring you fresh hope from deep within the soul. It tells you that this is just a phase you are going through, your life is overflowing with events, with plans, with contradictory values that you feed, you are caught in the middle, but it’s time to take a stand, choose a side, stand up for yourself ans start eliminating things from your life, which should have been put in the trash a long time ago. Half done projects, partners, friends, acquaintances, situations, unnecessary things are all being kept alive by you just for their possible (yet very uncertain) future potential. 

The High priestess tells you that being resourceful and mindful of the future is a very positive trait of a Virgo, but when out of control, it only causes you to bind yourself, occupy your mind, burden your soul, and as if my magic the quicksand is created and there’s no escape from it. The more you struggle the deeper you get. 

But, this Full Moon offers you a great blessing, a spiritual power to pull yourself out of the quicksand, and instead of trying to save the tower, to just sit down with your loved ones, put on a pair of 3D glasses and watch the show as things which no longer serve you burn to the ground. If you manage to muster the courage and self love to do this, let the tower burn the 9 of cups and the 2 of cups is going to be upright again, which means that not only will you find your childish innocence the world and society robbed you from, but you will also appreciate things which matter most in life, the feeling of being a live and the opportunity to rejoice in that which you already accomplished and the person who you became, and that in it’s self is the key to true happiness. Also the last clarifying card that I felt the need to draw for you, tell you clearly, REST your mind, because you are making you life a million times more complicated than it already is! 

Full Moon reading for Libra

Hello wonderful Libras, and welcome to your Full Moon reading. 

The first row, opened by the 2 of coins reversed, joined by the Devil reversed, suggests that in the recent past you’ve been through changes. While these changes had a material impact, which, caused your routines and the way you used to do things, strictly materially speaking, became unstable, it will take a bit of time for you to find your new balance once again, and build a new more suitable routine. The 2 of coins reversed also suggests that you should be careful and think through your expenses, because the way things are going at the moment it might not lead to prosperity, but as I said this is just a phase, it won’t take long for you to find a new balance, which will be much more suitable for your future lifestyle and future situation. The Devil reversed joined by the 4 of cups means, that the true gift of this Full Moon for you is epiphany. A moment of clarity, a sudden realization, a deeper analysis of the past and of your tendencies, will highlight the fact that in many cases you were a victim of your own kindness. The Devil reversed doesn’t mean that someone manipulated you and lead you down a darker path, which obviously caused you to feel more distant from your own life’s path, dreams and wishes, but in fact, it means that your willingness to please, your exaggerated diplomacy,empathy, and tendency to make everyone around you happy, caused you to bind yourself with a fake sense of obligation, with a self inflicted psychic shackle, that you can’t do what you wish, when you wish it, because people might depend on you and your availability. While this couldn’t be more true, people do in fact depend on you, this isn’t out of strict necessity, but because you allowed this situation to be born, you encouraged them to, perhaps lean on you with all their “weight”, and by this, you made their lives easier, and you think you did the right thing, and now expect good karma to come into play and reap your rewards. This epiphany that you received from the Universe, tells you a different story. Yes, you did help many people, but good karma can’t come your way right now, because you ignored yourself, your own needs, and perhaps sacrificed more of your psychological liberty, of your free spirit, resources (both material and moral) than you could afford. So by exaggerated self sacrifice, you pretty much made sure that all good karma is balanced out by the scars on your own soul, scars which may not have been painful back then, but now you are starting to feel the “cuts” and have finally decided to offer yourself some very much needed “first aid”. This will be a time of healing, of thought, contemplation and self gratification, a soothing of the soul, that you so much need. 

The 2 of wands reversed joined by the 7 of coins suggests that, either decisions have been made already, or you will be faced with some, and these decision are career/work related. You might feel worried that you can’t trust your intuition to guide you, just just can’t seem to feel the “good option”, the right choice, but this is because all possible path that you might take, are prosperous, and offer the same positive experience, the same direction in life, one of stability, self discovery and self empowerment. The time of the harvest is here soon, and everything that you worked for all throughout the year, and everything you have invested in (especially creative energies) are going to blossom, and you are free to harvest. Because you are multitalented people, perhaps the harvest is so various, you have so much to choose from, that you do not know what to pick first. But this is ok, because you have plenty of time, what matters the most is that you start with the emotional harvest, and not the material one. The Page of cups tells you that, gratification, good emotions, thoughtful gestures from your friends, and people who you might have helped in the past, are going to give you a huge emotional boost, and that is exactly what you need, it will send a jolt of positive vibe, and fresh energies throughout your being. After all, there isn’t a greater sense of joy for a Libra, then the acknowledgment of the fact that, they successfully made other people happy and their actions had meaning. 

The Judgment reversed along with the 2 of cups, might suggest a sense of loneliness. F

or those of you who are in a stable relationship it means that you long for a much deeper closeness with your partner, you need affection, love, understanding and the warmth of another heart beating close to yours, but as the 6 of coins suggests, perhaps your partner doesn’t know how you feel, and you should express your desires and needs more clearly. For those of you who are single a seeking love, this means that, while your life may be on track from every other perspective, emotionally you are looking for your soul mate, and his/her absence, the “hole in your hearts” are getting stronger and harder to bare. The Judgment reversed tells you, that the person you seek is definitely out there, but the union that you dream of, is something too special and magical to just happen overnight, everything depends on Divine timing, so you have no choice but to wait this one out, or even better said the wait will take longer than you anticipated.

The 2 of cups means that this is an ideal time for you to look for romance, but do not have any expectations, do not reject possible candidates just because you know that they are not the “One” for you. Remember that flirts, dates, friends with benefits also serve their purpose in life, and along with life lessons, and things that you can learn from another person, maybe they can fill the hole in your heart, even if it’s just a temporary fix. 

Full Moon reading for Scorpio

Greetings to all Scorpio natives, and welcome to your Full Moon reading.

Unfortunately the energies that I’m picking up for your reading are not very pleasant, at the moment, but I assure you that things will get better next year. 

So let’s start with the 6 of wands joined by the 3 of wands and 5 of swords. This combination tells the story, that you have worked very hard and invested lots of effort into either your work, or a project, in all cases it is something lucrative and should produce some income for you. The problem is that you have been more than patient and you put in much more work that it was required on your behalf, all, to make sure that it’s gonna work out, to guarantee success. This isn’t just something going on in the past, it’s more like a continuous action which started in the past but it’s going on in the present and most definitely will continue in the future. The rewards that it should be producing are not in correlation with the amount of energy and soul invested in it. For many of you it just doesn’t make sense, everything is going like clockwork and things are following their natural course, so where is the abundance and the financial stability that was promised to you? The 5 of swords provides the answer. The problem, the blockages that stop the flow do not lie with you. If this is something you are doing alone, then it means a problem, an error, a bad strategy that has to do with accounting, blocked paperwork, an error made by someone else.

If this is a workplace and you are waiting for the promotion, a colleague, a work mate, or perhaps a supervisor is stealing your “glory”, your merits, takes credit for that which resulted out of your own efforts and creative energies, so they are the ones consuming the rewards and not sharing. 

However, if it’s a business, then things take a slightly more twisted significance, someone that you trust, an associate, business partner may play a foul game and deceive you. The blessing of the Full Moon for you Scorpios, comes as it will reveal the hidden catch, the person who is stealing your “harvest” and since your governor is the deity of the Underworld Pluto, you can be sure that action will be taken and bad karma will rush to those who wrong you. This is exactly what the second row of the reading, especially the Judgment reversed signifies, justice will be done, but it’s not human justice, so it might not be legal action (even though that isn’t excluded at all), but divine justice is guaranteed. This gives you the opportunity, to change your situation. As you see in the second row the 10 of coins is reversed, which means loss, overspending, a big material sacrifice, but when light sheds onto your situations, on the error, in some cases the deception is revealed, you can turn that 10 of coins upright and finally start enjoying the fruits of your labor. The queen of cups upwards means that you are not alone in this, you are fully supported by someone who loves you, and it also means that your intuition will guide you, and you will sense every bad move from those who may wish to conceal their true intentions from you. When you feel stuck, all you need to do is listen to your intuition, to your dreams, to your gut feeling because the Universe is your ally and will send you signals in order to see the truth. The third row opened by the Emperor reversed means that, you might be working way too hard, and you sacrificed a great deal of “YOU time” in order to get things done. This causes you to feel extremely tired, lack of energy, vitality, you simply had enough, and refuse to take on as many responsibilities as you used too. The magician reversed means that this is not the best time to make precise future plans, because you simply don’t have the energy, self control, discipline and clarity of will, to successfully implement anything. What you really need now is rest, regeneration, to find your self, and to strengthen your will, and this can only be done by fully immersing yourself, even for a short time in all the small joys of life. Let go of the worries, let go of the problems, break free from your routine and every day life, as the 4 of swords suggests. It is a great time to put your work life on hold, and take time to make short travels and to indulge yourself, and most importantly as the 2 of cups suggests spend time with your loved ones. For Scorpios it’s also a very good time to focus on love and romance, let’s not forget that Venus is still in your sign, and the 2 of cups, (the card of union) tells you that she won’t stay in your sing for long so take this opportunity and take full advantage of the magnetism and attraction that Venus blesses you with. Those in a stable relationship might take some time for themselves and travel to places they love, thus igniting the flames of passion in their relationships. 

Full Moon reading for Sagittarius

Hello wonderful Sagittarius natives and welcome to your Full Moon reading. The first row of the reading opened by the 2 of coins followed by the 8 of cups and closed by the 9 of coins reversed, tells the story of endurance. Life had many challenges for you in the recent past, one problem and challenge arose after the other, small, easy to solve things got overly complicated, and everything demanded your full effort and presence of mind. No one can complain, because you, not only held your ground, but you did a fantastic job at keeping the balance between all areas of your life, nothing and no one was left out. This situation demanded everything from you, and now you feel a certain melancholy, you feel as if the good times, and when you were happy is just a pale memory, you long to go back to periods of your life, where you used to be happy and you saw yourself in a different, joyful, more content light. The 8 of cups is the card of abandonment, so you either are walking away from a situation (job, commitment, leaving abroad, changing homes, getting a divorce) or someone is leaving your life (your child moving out, best friends leaving, loss of someone dear). The feelings generated by these events make you feel the 9 of coins reversed, you might have everything you need physically, materially, but you feel your life incomplete, empty. 

The Full Moon bears an important message for you: in life nothing is really lost, everything that you ever did, everyone that you ever met, everything that you ever had, lives on in your memory, it’s part of you, part of your soul, part of your journey in life and ultimately part of the person you are today. True loss only occurs when you give up, and when you let yourself be fully immersed into matters dominated by the illusions and filth of society, thus lowering your vibration, this way recalled memories are no longer magical and nostalgic, but painful because you don’t focus on what you’ve gained, but on the fact that they are not available to you anymore. This is a perfect opportunity to immerse yourselves in spiritual activities, like meditation, yoga, listening to your favorite music, or perhaps going to a spiritual group or in nature. Either way you need to recharge the batteries of your spirit, because you don’t react too well when you see the world in it’s raw, brute state, you need a bit of pink tint on your lens, to increase the hope for the future and the pure love of living life, that you naturally posses. This isn’t an act of self deception or manipulation, but rather rebalancing your vision and outlook on life. The second and third row are are greatly interlinked that’s why I will interpret them together. The High Priest signifies an authority or some kind of legal binding that you are going to make. This isn’t as much about career or finances but more about help you receive from an authority, state, council, organization. This could mean that you might join a group (for example start new studies so University), receive financial help, or some sort of compensation from an institution of state (benefits, sick pay, something that will upgrade a status), sign a contract (for a new home, rent, lease) and for some lucky natives it can even mean the legal consolidation of a relationship (civil partnership and marriage or adoption). The third row signifies the resolution of all matters which held you down. This could either mean a conflict of interests, the end of a medical treatment (which bares good results), the end of a continuous journey you had to make periodically, the end of sacrifices that you had to make for another person, and thus reaching a new state of peace and comfort. The 6 of wands means a big fear of change, or ill health, or the negative evolution of a problem in your life, with would have caused you great distress, but since it is reversed, it means that Charon (the one who steers the boat) will take away the fears and everything that caused worry and distress, all of these are going to disappear from your life. 

The King of wands sits proudly on his throne because he brings you new initiative, new ideas, new activities, a new state of being, which will be idea to reflect your fiery and passionate selves. The message of the Full Moon is pretty clear, hold on, and don’t despair, things are not as bad as you might think, your vision is a bit distorted and darkened by the negative aspects of life, but change is coming, or better said the cause of your problems are going away from your life, leaving fresh hope and love of life in their wake. 

Full Moon reading for Capricorn

Lovely Capricorns please enjoy your Full Moon reading for October. 

The first column of cards opened by the Page of coins, followed by the Queen of coins and closed by the 4 of swords is the bearer of wonderful news from a financial/career perspective. In the recent past you had much planning and contemplating done, you were open to new opportunities, you followed up on every connection that arose in your life (for example put your CV in many places, analyzed various business opportunities etc) and now it’s all going to pay up. The Queen of coins represents financial prosperity, “fertility” so to speak, the seeds that you planted in the spring/summer are finally fully grown plans which bare the sweetest fruits, now all you need to do it pick them and enjoy 🙂 In a more practical sense, this can translate, to increase in income, additional source of income, promotion, prosperous business, right financial choices taken, the birth of your own business, or making money out of your hobbies. 

What’s even more important, especially for a Capricorn native, is that this prosperity, this extra income, isn’t just something temporary, but it’s permanent, long lasting, and as the 4 of swords suggests, it’s time to rest and enjoy this new found stability. For some of you who were seeking for a new career, new job, it means that it’s coming your way, and it’s going to be something stable and something which will be suitable for your personality. 

The second column is a bit more difficult to interpret because it can mean 2 separate situations, so feel free to choose which one resonates the best with your situation. 

It either means the end of a relationship, marriage, partnership, good relations with someone who you deeply loved, which is going to cause heartache and sadness, scar on the soul, so to speak. But the World card comforts you are assures you that the reason this happened is that, the relationship that ended, or is about the end, wasn’t right for you, and you have to take the time to heal the emotional scars, and get rid of all bad influence. Something MUCH better is going to take it’s place, but when it occurs, you have to be ready and free of all bonds, especially social and moral ones. For some of you it might mean a totally new relationship, for some of you it might mean that you already found the right person and are just ending a third party situation. For others it’s not a new relationship that’s gonna take the old one’s place, but a totally new life, perhaps you are moving somewhere distant to begin a new life.

Another way to interpret the combination is that you have to give up a relationship, or walk out on someone, and not because of emotional issues, but because your life will change, and you have to make this sacrifice. The World card here signifies that you are making the right choice! Don’t look back, bare the heartache that’s inevitable, because not only will you fully heal in the future, but find your happiness because of this choice you will make.

The last column speaks of emotional instability, ups and downs, the lack of motivation and inspiration in your life. The Message of the Full Moon and the Universe in this case is pretty simple:

Know yourself, take time to do some inner work, psychoanalysis, allow yourself for a brief moment to dive deep in the endless ocean of memories and let old traumas, insecurities, regrets resurface. There are some inner issues which imperatively have to be settled once and for all. The past is troubling you, there is too much regret inside you and too little clarity. If you allow yourself to sink to the rock bottom, yes, it is going to be painful, and it is going to feel like you are rending your own flesh, BUT this is the only way you can find that emotional and psychological stability that you need. As you can see the 4 of cups is reversed, so epiphany, the truth, the breakthrough that you need is not going to come from the outside world or from a person, it can only come from deep within you. So let go of your fears, embrace yourself, and take the leap, take the dive in the stormy water of your soul and see YOUR truth, that you did nothing wrong, you have nothing to regret, you always did what’s best for you, and those around you, and the negative emotions that you associate with the memory of certain events are merely reflection of what others though, of how others saw your situation, and all your failures are only so in the eyes of society (which is full of fake values) but in your eyes, they are in face lessons that you learn the hard way and all of this made you who you are! 

Full Moon reading for Aquarius

Dear Aquarius friends please take a moment and listen to the Full Moon’s message for you! The Wheel of Fortune reversed opened you reading, and this speaks of the past, especially recent past. Many of you faced a change of circumstances, which was not in your favor, it speaks of a things falling apart, the end of a cycle. The cards that accompany the Wheel of Fortune reversed tell us that, this change (for the worse) or the loss, failure, separation (or any other negative event which greatly influenced you) wasn’t something that came out of the blue, but it was rather a necessary end, an end which you also played an important role in to bring forth. The interesting aspect of this, is that, even though the event that impacted you is perceived by you and everyone in your life as something negative, the truth is, it has nothing to do with polarity. It wasn’t bad or good, it couldn’t have been avoided in any shape of form, it was simply the end of a cycle. It is only perceived as something bad, negative, or as a misfortune or perhaps divine punishment by you, because it shook you to the core of your being, and as we know letting go or admitting defeat isn’t the strong point of any Aquarius, but in the long run, if we look at the distant future, it is the greatest blessing that you could have received. It happened in order to forcefully prevent you from investing anymore effort, soul, love into something that was doomed from the start.

The second column says that the loss, or failure that you suffered is already being compensated by the Universe, you are freer than you’ve ever been in your life, you can do so very many things that you’ve always dreamed of but never had the time, energy, the opportunities from every single aspect of life are building up, mounting up for you, you even have friends and family to help you and cheer you up, BUT none of this matters to you in the current state, you simply can not see the blessings in your life. 

Because of this darkened vision, pessimistic approach, psychological shackle, you own naivety and blindness and your unrealistic standards which are based on the harsh judgment of society, are robbing you from fully living your life. Right now your attitude might be your own worst enemy, and I must repeat, all of this because you are currently guided by societies illusions, fake expectations and not your own soul, not your inner voice, the child that you used to be. 

All you need to do is purge your mind and spirit from the influence of others, and return to your joyful, child like self, where lightheartedness is the key to everything. If you are able to find yourself, your own inner voice (The High Priestess), there and then, in an instant, your whole life is going to change, because you will see just how lucky and fortunate you are, how incredibly talented, learned and wise you are, how many people who wish you nothing but good you have in your life, and last but not least you lost nothing, you have everything you need in your life. Many of you do realize this, you know all of this too well, but you fluctuate between a state of accomplishment and take pride in who you are, and a state of dissatisfaction and unhappiness. 

The last column opened by the Ace of wands reversed says that, the choice is yours, the power is in your hands, you can either hold the Wand reversed and highlight all the negative aspects of your life and keep up digging up the past and all the injustices you might have suffered, or you can hold it upwards and attract the things you lack, the things you desperately desire to be present in your life, to make it complete. The power of your mind, and the power to manifest your thoughts and wishes is yours, this is a blessing shared by all natives of Aquarius, but the problem is that you need to drop your standards, you need to let the Universe do the planning, when you are unable to, and let things find you, without obsessing over it, and without having impossible expectations. Use that Ace of wands, the power of your will, to destroy the illusions that are holding you down (7 of cups reversed) and to accept that, not everything can go according to your plans, and the second you do this, the second you change you attitude and lighten your soul up, every card that is reversed in your reading will become upright and blessings in endless number will start pouring into your life. 

Full Moon reading for Pisces

Hello fabulous Pisces natives please enjoy your October Full Moon reading. The reading is opened by the Page of cups reversed, followed by the Moon and Knight of cups upright. This in wonderful news for many of you because, this is an excellent time to make new connections, tie new friendships, reconciliations, reaching a state of emotional harmony, finding your selves, the inspiration, that you lacked in the past, and of course most importantly expressing yourselves, letting your personalities shine through in all areas of your life. For those of you who are artists or earn your living by doing creative, imaginative work, it is a very good and prosperous time. The Knight of cups brings you new ideas, inspirations, and personal charm, which will inspire, and delight those who you work for, your customers, partners etc. It is also a good time to look for love, because the powerful energies of Neptune amplify your magnetic, charming, gentle and delightful personalities, so now, more than ever you are ready to mingle 🙂 

Career, business, work wise you might be facing a difficult period. Too many unresolved issues, delays with a hint of neglect from your side, taking on too much workload, or doing two major things at the same time.The pressure wasn’t enough to break you, even though at times you do feel like the earth is going to split under your feet, you still don’t give up and keep on rolling tirelessly. 

The Universe is going to intervene in your case and take the extra burden off of your shoulders, and if you think of resisting, it’s going to rip it off so my advice is, better let things happen. Since, you took on much more than you can handle, all the things (projects, extra work, hobbies, things in which you invested blindly, waiting for others to give you what they promised, or putting your life on hold and waiting for THAT phone call) that are out of your grasp are going to disappear. The death card, joined by the 6 of swords reversed signifies that friendships, partnerships (business, work), associations, memberships (as in you are the member of a collective), studies put on hold, everything that isn’t flowing in your life and is just put on hold, waiting for an intervention or evolution is going to end. 

This isn’t going to shock you or surprise you, you are well aware that this is the natural course of things, just that in many cases the end of these situations, relationships, is going to happen because of your passivity. 

The tower in the third column says the exact same thing, just that it highlights the fact that because you took on way too much, and ran out of resources (either money, strength, or creativity) not only the things that you no longer need, and no longer invested in are going to disappear, but disaster might strike things that are very important for you. You may feel ran down, abandoned by your friends, used and abused, and it could mean the start of a mild depression, and the feeling of being left out in the cold. Because, of stress you can also be dealing with health issues, anxiety, bad digestion, extreme fatigue. 

The message of the Full Moon for Pisces is very clear: do not take on more than you can handle. You are super creative people, with a very caring nature always ready to please, always ready to help others, always ready to go in the next adventure (especially if that is something creative and fun) but many times you are way too unrealistic (2 of swords reversed) don’t know your own limits, and have an extremely bad sense of anticipating things combined with a bad sense of measure. Yes, it is true that out of all signs you are the most intuitive people, but brute intuition isn’t enough if you don’t combine it with personal experience and learned life lessons. Perhaps, it would be a good time to cut down on your enthusiasm and ground yourself a little bit and build alliances with people who are very much in touch with reality and are very practical and brutally honest people. The burden that you carry on your back isn’t even yours, 80% of it is other people’s, whom you promised to help or advantage in some way. While this is extremely noble of you, in the present circumstances you committed an act of self sabotage, because you can’t possibly finish what you started (work wise, or promises to others|) and will certainly run out of time. The 2 of swords also may suggest that it isn’t a person who you should be worrying about, but rather an authority of control of some sorts. Take this time to clean up your life, your soul and your mind, and find a positive, reality centered influence in your life. 

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