James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Saint Martha’s DayMonday 31st March 2025

Saint Martha’s Day

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Peace be with you, my friends!  I hope you all are enjoying the summer.  Last Sunday was Saint Martha’s feast day. As you may have read in previous posts, I am a big devotee to this particular saint and she has worked many miracles in my life and in the lives of others that I know. 

Saint Martha's day is celebrated every July 29th.

Saint Martha's DayI made a service to her with a candle and an offering of flowers.   I will be drying the flowers that have now been infused with Saint Martha’s powerful energy to use in charms and potions in the future.

I have written a much more extensive article about Saint Martha herself, you can read it here.

At the end of this month, August 31st, we have another important spiritual holiday, The Feast of the Hungry Ghosts.  This year, the holiday happens to fall on a blue moon, which will make the energy on that night all the more powerful.  I of course will be writing a blog entry about The Hungry Ghosts later this month and will post photos of my own offerings on that night.

As always I wish you peace, happiness and the sweetest of blessings!

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