James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Sunflower Love SpellMonday 31st March 2025

Sunflower Love Spell


Sunflower_sky_backdropSince I am growing sunflowers in my garden this year, I have been reminded of a simple love spell involving this powerful plant that I have decided to share here.  The sunflower is a magic plant, no question about it.  It has healing powers when used in spiritual work and the ability to dispel darkness and depression from one’s life.  My great grandmother used to make a floor wash out of sunflower petals and mop the entire house to chase away bad luck and attract good fortune.  The sunflower is a symbol of abundance with its multiple seeds representing wealth.  The sunflower also has its uses in love magic.  I am happy to share with you this spell that has been in use both in Wiccan and Hoodoo circles since the 1970’s.  I suspect it goes back much further to earlier forms of European and African garden magic.

You will need:

One sunflower seed

A small piece of paper


This spell needs to be started during the spring months, if you live in a temperate climate, after the danger of frost has passed.


Take a scrap of paper and write your name and the name of the person you are trying to attract on a piece of paper and circle it with a heart.


Then dig a hole outside in a place where the sun shines brightly and place the paper in it along with the sunflower seed.  As you cover it with dirt and water it, say “as the sun and Earth give life to this flower, so may (say the person’s name) grow in love for me.”


Take care of the sunflower during the summer months and as it grows, so will the person’s love for you will grow.



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