James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Potato Doll Weight Loss SpellMonday 31st March 2025

Potato Doll Weight Loss Spell


Today I would like to share a highly effective spell for weight loss that works on the principal of sympathetic magic.  The name of this spell sounds incredibly funny but it is a fun to perform and highly effective for weight loss.  The use of dolls is a fundamental part of folk magic and sympathetic magic and is a valuable tool for focusing energy.  Dolls for spiritual use can be made out of many materials- cloth, wax, moss and in this case even potatoes! I first learned this spell in the late 90’s from a kitchen witch in New England named Wendy.  Since then I have recommended it to others who have reported great success.


You will need:

One large potato

A carving knife


Sit in a quiet room with the potato and knife where you can focus and meditate undisturbed.


Carve the potato into a human shape.


Hold it in your hands and meditate, imagining that it represents yourself.


Take the knife and mark X’s of the areas of your body from which you’d like to rid yourself of excess weight.


Continue to hold the potato doll and meditate for as long as you’d like, imagining your ideal body shape and ideal state of health.


Take the doll outside to a quiet place somewhere in nature and leave it there.


As you walk away, pray in your own way and in your own words asking that your excess weight be taken away and that you be blessed with perfect health, happiness and the body you desire.


I hope you have enjoyed this post and if you decide to give the potato doll spell a try, please share your experience with me.  I thank you for taking the time to visit by blog and as always I wish you peace, happiness and abundant blessings!



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