James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | The Mother of all Spiritual CleansingsMonday 31st March 2025

The Mother of all Spiritual Cleansings

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CandlesToday I would like to share something that I have come to call the “The Mother of All Spiritual Cleansings.” It comes from Romania and is deeply rooted in the Orthodox Christian faith that is the predominant religion of Eastern Europe.  I first learned of this cleansing, which is in fact a fast combined with a daily regimen of prayers, from two Romanian women in 2012 who would prefer to remain anonymous but who are devout believers not only in Orthodoxy but in all aspects of the supernatural.  This fast is attributed to Fr. Ilarion Argatu, a famous Romanian Orthodox monk known for his piety and whose life was reportedly filled with many miraculous occurrences.  As a spiritual worker, I have dealt with many types of spiritual cleansing involving herbs, prayer, special baths and even transferring a person’s negativity into other objects such as eggs or dolls.  All of these work and I use and recommend them, but I have to say that by far the cleansing fast that I will present here is the strongest and most thorough but also one of the hardest to perform.  Not only will this cleansing break and rid you of all spells, charms, hexes and curses done against you, but it will also expel any evil spirits that may have attached themselves to you and expose the people who have done witchcraft on you and give you the chance to bind them from doing further harm.  Also, the fast unbinds anything that may be stuck, for example if you are experiencing financial or relationship difficulties or just feel stuck in life, this fasting cleanse can unbind all of that and help get your life flowing in the right direction again.  The fast even removes curses and spiritual debts going back nine generations in your family history that may still affect you on a personal level.  You can ask for specific favors or blessings.  After doing this fast, a person emerges spiritually clean and free of all negativity and blockages and it truly blessed with power and protection.


Fasting is an important part of almost all the religions of the world and therefore is an important spiritual discipline that keeps our minds, bodies and souls focused on all that is good.  Fasting, the act of abstaining from all food or certain types of food for a given amount of time is in and of itself a form of prayer.  For maximum spiritual benefit, fasting should be accompanied by prayer and acts of charity.  In Orthodox Christianity, fasting has an important place in the spiritual lives of all believers and the truly devout will fast more than half of the year.  In the case of Orthodox Christianity, fasting involves abstaining from all animal products, alcohol and olive oil during certain periods of the year preceding important holy days and on most Wednesdays and Fridays.  There are exceptions and certain days entail stricter or less strict fasts, but the general idea is to eat only a vegan diet and exercise moderation with what one chooses to consume among the permitted foods.  The following fast is incredibly strict, but the rewards and graces obtained there through are well worth the effort.  I would advise you to seek the advice of a doctor before embarking on such a rigorous fast and to always follow medical advice and also follow the dictates of your own conscious as with any spiritual exercise it is the faith, trust and love that you put into it that matter far more than adhering to the actual rules.


I have translated the rules of the fast and the prayers from Romanian to English and while the original Romanian is more poetic, the translations are perfectly adequate in expressing the original intentions and sentiments for this devout spiritual exercise.


Rules of the Cleansing and Unbinding Fast


You are to keep the fast for 9 days starting on a Monday.


One Monday, Wednesday and Friday you keep a complete fast taking no food at all.  If this is too rigorous, you may eat one full Vegan meal each day.  Water may be drunk as you need it.


On all other days you are to consume no animal products or alcohol.  All vegetables and plant products are permitted.


Start each day by taking a small sip of Holy Water taken from an Orthodox church.  If you cannot find Orthodox holy water, you may omit this step as holy water from Catholic churches is not meant to be drunk.  If you have Catholic holy water, you may simply bless yourself with it each morning making the Sign of the Cross.


You are to perform your daily prayers as usual but also through the course of the day make 40 prostrations while making the Sign of the Cross.  Recite three Our Fathers between each prostration.


Pray daily the Litany of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  (Acatistul Domnului Isus Christos or Acatistul Mantuitorului in Romanian) If you cannot find the litany, simply recite the Our Father several times throughout the day.


At 10 pm each evening, or at midnight if possible, place 9 candles in the form of a cross and light them.  The candles must be allowed to burn out on their own.  This is important.  Once the candles are lit, recite the following prayer:


Undo, Oh Lord, all spells, curses and witchcraft done on me by my known and unknown enemies.  Undo them and may they have no power over me.  Send away all unclean spirits and send them to the wastelands when man does not live never to return to me.  May those who wish me evil appear to me, (say your name) a slave of God.  Amen.


After reciting this prayer you will notice that those who wish you harm will start to feel uneasy and come to you.  Simply ignore them and don’t let them know that you have knowledge of their workings.  Simply pray for them and ask that they be forgiven and recite the following prayer to bind them from doing further harm:


Undo, Oh Lord, all workings with which my enemy (say the person’s name) has bound me.  Undo them and may they have no power over me.  Send away all unclean spirits, send them to the wastelands where man does not live never to return to me again.  Forgive the sins of your slave (say your name) and grant me peace.  Amen.


Each night when you say your prayers and the candles burn, recite the following prayer asking that all blockages that hold you back from prosperity, good health and progress in life be removed.


Bless me God with the gift of money, the ability to work and keep a good Christian home with food, clothing and the power to work and gain prosperity in my life.  (Ask for the freeing of anything you feel is blocked in your life-marriage, relationship, job issues etc.)  Amen.


Recite each night the following prayer to the Archangels Michael and Gabriel asking for the removal of all generational curses that may have been passed down to you and for their help in making a successful fast:


Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel, carry my unworthy prayer and my unworthy fast to Almighty God for the forgiveness of my sins and those of my parents, grandparents and all those in my family lineage who have fallen asleep in the Lord up to the ninth generation and grant this petition that I make with faith and trust (make your request) Amen.


This is a very intense and in depth cleansing that I would only advise you to take when you are in dire need of spiritual help or are ready to make a fresh start in your life.  Also, due to the rigorousness of the fast, it’s best to do it at a time when you are on vacation or at least not obliged to do any heavy or emotionally taxing work.  After the nine days you will truly feel reborn and empowered to a level you never thought possible.  It’s an experience that is truly life changing.


I hope you have enjoyed this blog post and as always I wish you peace, happiness and abundant blessings!



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