James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Marriage BathMonday 31st March 2025

Marriage Bath

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Peace be with you, my friends!  I would like to first apologize for not writing a post for so long, but my schedule has been crazy for so long between school, and moving and of course my spell work and taking care of my spirit guides and saints.  I am however very happy that the long gray winter seems to be warming into Spring!

This is a service performed under the patronage on Ochun, the Yoruba Orisha of love.

Ancient Roman MarriageIn the past, I have briefly touched on the subject of magical baths in Voodoo which can be done for a variety of purposes; love and money being the most popular.  Today I would like to share with you a very traditional and popular bath whose aim is to bring about marriage.  I highly recommend it for anyone who has been in a relationship for a long time and is waiting for a marriage proposal that does not seem to come.  If you decide to try the bath, please let me know your results!

Marriage Bath

Ochun Our Lady of CharityThe following bath is a bit more intense and time consuming that the spell and rituals I normally describe here,  but it is extremely powerful and meant to bring a relationship to the next level of commitment by eliciting a marriage proposal from your current partner or attracting a marriage minded individual into your life.  This is a service performed under the patronage on Ochun, the Yoruba Orisha of love.  This particular bath has been in common use in Puerto Rico and Cuba since Spanish colonial times, which does not surprise me since it addition to being highly effective, it smells absolutely wonderful!

You will need:

5 liters of River Water (make sure it’s from a non-polluted source)

5 Shiny Pennies

Women’s perfume (your choice, any kind will work)

Holy Water

One yellow and one white rose

A Cigar

One yellow taper candle

This bath is best taken on a Friday, but remember to allow enough time for the necessary preparations.

First go to a river and take five liters of water.  As you are taking the water from the river, ask Ochun to bless it and infuse it with her powerful love energy.  When you finish taking the water, drop the five pennies into the river to thank her.

At home, pour the five liters of water into a large plastic or metal container for which you have a cover.  Add the rose petals, five drops of the woman’s perfume of your choice and five drops of holy water. Mix well.

Next light the cigar and take one big puff.  Blow the smoke out onto the surface of the bath and as you do say a silent prayer to Ochun asking her to bless the bath and infuse it with her energy to bring about the marriage proposal that you desire.   Repeat four more times for a total of five and then cover the bath.

Light the yellow candle on top of the covered bath and make your request to Ochun again and tell her of your desire for a marriage proposal.  Allow the candle to burn out on its own.

You may take the bath by adding the blessed liquid to a tub of warm water and soaking in it as long as you wish or by pouring it over your head in the shower.   While you are bathing, remember to concentrate on your desire for marriage once again and when finished always thank Ochun for her blessing.

I hope you have enjoyed learning to prepare Ochun’s marriage bath.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  As always, I wish you peace, love and the sweetest of blessings!

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