James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Money Drawing Conjure OilMonday 31st March 2025

Money Drawing Conjure Oil

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TodDSC_8752ay I would like to share with you a recipe for a money drawing conjure oil. Using specially consecrated oils to dress candles and talismans is an important part of many magical traditions. Most people tend to buy such conjure oils previously made and blessed by another spiritual practitioner, however it is extremely simple are arguable more effective to make such magical oils yourself. Below is an example of a simple yet power money drawing oil that you may wish to use in the blessing of candles, the preparation of charms and gris gris or even add a few drops of it to your bath water.





You will need:

 One cup vegetable oil

One tablespoon rue

One tablespoon mustard seeds

One tablespoon sunflower seeds

One green taper candle


Combine the oil with all the other ingredients.


Light the green taper candle and hold your hand over the mixture and say “I charge this oil with the power to draw great wealth. So mote it be.”


Allow the candle to burn out on its own.


Allow the mixture to sit for 5 days and then strain the oil and reserve in an airtight bottle or container.


Use to dress candles or in the preparation of charms or add a few drops to your bath water to create a money drawing bath.


I hope you have enjoyed this post and that you give this simple recipe a try. As always, I wish you peace, prosperity and abundant blessings!

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