James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | New Years Greeting & Love SpellMonday 31st March 2025

New Years Greeting & Love Spell

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Peace be with you, my friends!  I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year and I sincerely hope your holiday season was wonderful!  Since many people come to me with requesting love spells, I've decided to share with you a simple ritual that you can perform at home.

This ritual has been around since at least the 1920’s.

Hook Your Man Spell

This ritual has been around since at least the 1920’s and I have seen versions of it in both Southern African-American Hoodoo and several Afro-Caribbean traditions, especially Puerto Rican popular magic.  I have performed it at least three times for clients with great success.  The idea of the spell is to “hook” you man and get him “stuck” and “sweet” on you. Traditionally it has been performed by women on men, but it can be just as effective in attracting a woman to a man or on a same sex partner.

Three Women Fishing - Hook Your Man SpellYou will need:

Three new fish hooks

Honey or molasses

A picture of your loved one or his/her name written on a piece of paper

One yellow 7 day candle

Place the photo of the person in question or his/her name on a plate and drizzle with honey or molasses until completely covered.

Place the three fish hooks over the honey coated image while saying “With this spell, I hook thee, sticky sweet you come to me, never again to quit me.”

Then light the yellow candle next to the dish and leave everything in place until it burns out.  The candle will take several days to burn, so when it becomes necessary to leave the house,  I advise putting the lighted candle in the sink or bathtub just as a safety precaution.

After the candle burns out, you may dispose of the spell since the energy has already been dispatched.

If you decide to try the ritual, please let me know your results.  I wish you a new year filled with love and abundant blessings!

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