James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Herbal Spiritual Cleansing BathMonday 31st March 2025

Herbal Spiritual Cleansing Bath


068I have blogged before about the simple salt water bath cleansing which is all honestly should be enough to rid you of all bad luck and negativity, but several people have come to me who feel that their bad luck is persistent over a long period of time and may be effecting other family members and that a simple salt water cleanse in not enough.  I have decided to share a more heavy duty type of cleansing involving a bath of bitter herbs being performed over the course of three nights.  Such a cleansing is common among those who practice Santeria and Espiritismo and is often undergone before any major initiation.  This cleansing will also neutralize any witchcraft that may have been done on a person and detach any negative spirits or entities that may have attached themselves to a person.  You in effect will be starting over fresh with a completely clean slate after taking this spiritual bath.  You may also wish to reserve some of the herbal liquid to mop your floors.  Think of it as a spiritual bath for your entire home.  The following herbs I will list are known as bitter herbs, not because of their taste, but because of their spiritual vibrations which nullify any other spiritual forces that may be at play around you.   The names of the herbs are given in Spanish, as that is how they are normally sold.  They can be purchased in most botanicas or online spiritual shops.  If you are unable to find them, please contact me at james.duvalier@gmail.com and I can send you a prepared herbal bath.  In order to prepare this cleansing bath, choose any three of the follow herbs:




Arasa con todo

Escoba amarga

Espanta muerto

Yerba Bruja

Abre camino


Divide the herbs into three parts and on the first night boil 1/3 of the herbs in a large pot of water.  Cool, strain and add to a tub of warm bath water.  Bathe for as long as you’d like, but make sure you wet yourself completely.  After emerging from the bath, light a small white candle and pray the Our Father and read the 91st psalm.  Repeat the same process for two more nights.  After you have completed the last bath, you can consider yourself completely renewed and spiritually reborn.  You are completely and totally spiritually clean.  You may want to bless yourself with some holy water for protection and burn a luck drawing candle to immediately draw some luck into your life.


Again, I will stress that this type of cleansing is quite powerful and is rarely necessary, but since people have asked for it, I am happy to share it here.  Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.  I wish you peace, happiness and abundant blessings!

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