James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | Fish Scale Luck and Money Drawing SpellMonday 31st March 2025

Fish Scale Luck and Money Drawing Spell

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In many Eastern European cultures, fish scales are associated with wealth and abundance.

In many Eastern European cultures, fish scales are associated with wealth and abundance and are a common ingredient in many money drawing spells and rituals.  Many spiritually inclined people from western countries do not know this and I only discovered it when I spent time in Romania and began to study their folklore and magic.  The following spell is meant to bring success in business as well as draw money into your life from all possible sources.

You will need:

Fish scales (obtained from a local fish market)

A green or gold candle

A penny or similar small coin

A small envelope


Place the fish scales and the penny inside the envelope and seal.


Place the candle in a candle holder and set on top of the envelope and light.


Stretch your arm out over the candle and speak the following invocation, “As this candle burns, may this packet be charged with the energy of abundance to send money and general wealth flowing into my life.  So be it!”


Allow the candle to burn out completely and then place the envelope in a discrete spot in your home or place of business and allow it to release its powerful money drawing energy.

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