James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | The Power of Salt Water BathsMonday 31st March 2025

The Power of Salt Water Baths


A simple salt water bath can do wonders for you spiritually and emotionally

Bath PreparationIn recent weeks, many people have been telling me how everything seems blocked or stagnant in their lives and true progress and good luck seem to elude them.  In such situations, what I recommend most often is a simple salt water bath.  I have posted on this subject before, but lately it seems to be coming up again and again and many people even doubt the efficacy of something so simple.  I am here to reiterate the fact that a simple salt water bath can do wonders for you spiritually and emotionally.  Submerging yourself in salt water removes blockages, neutralizes the evil eye, chases away negative spirits and general cleanses away all that holds us back from progress and success in life.

Everything that surrounds us has energy, people, plants, animals; the very environment in which we live and breathe is composed of energy.  This energy is constantly bouncing around and leaving a residue on all that it touches.  Over time this can build up and turn into what I call “psychic sludge.”  It is also a sad fact that many people harbor jealousy and other negative feelings towards us that can be spiritually, emotionally and physically damaging.  Remember that spiritual health and physical health are related and what is done to the soul is reflected in the body and vice versa.  So, therefore it is a good idea to perform a simple spiritual cleansing at least once a month.

Start by adding an entire box of salt to a tub full of water and soak as you normally would.  Salt is a great neutralizer.  It takes away negativity, psychic sludge, bad luck and even chases away chaotic or harmful spirits and energies.  Many cultures and religions even use salt in exorcism rituals.

Stay as long as you’d like in the bathtub and make sure that you submerge yourself completely or at least pour some of the salt water over your head.

Before leaving the tub, say a quick prayer, for example: With this salt water bath, I cleanse away all psychic sludge, bad luck and negativity.  I am powerful and clean!  This is just an example, you may use any words you’d like or if there is a prayer appropriate to your religious or spiritual beliefs, you may use it.  If you don’t have a bath or prefer showers, you can simply stand in the running shower and scrub yourself with handfuls of salt and as the shower washes the salt away, recite the prayer.

I can’t state enough that such a simple practice makes a huge difference.  If you try this simple cleansing, please let me know of the positive changes you notice in your life.  If you’d prefer a professional spiritual cleaning or unblocking, you may contact me as well!

May your life be filled with abundant blessings!

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