James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher

Home | Blog | The Spirit Guides of New Orleans Voodoo-Part III-The European SpiritsMonday 31st March 2025

The Spirit Guides of New Orleans Voodoo-Part III-The European Spirits

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Peace be with you my friends!  I just wanted to take the time to post a brief entry to bring to a close my series of posts of the types of spirit guides in New Orleans Voodoo.  We have spoken about the Native-American and African spirits, but today I just wanted to talk briefly about the white European spirits in New Orleans Voodoo.

When European spirits appear in a spiritual pantheon they are usually gypsies or nuns.

There are very few spirits of European origin served by Voodooists, possibly because the religion itself was originally practiced as a means of cultural survival in a society that looks down upon those who refuse to assimilate.  When European spirits appear in a spiritual pantheon they are usually gypsies or nuns.

nuns - glass plate negativegypsy woman sketch - white spirit guides Gypsy spirits are often served by those who specialize in divination and these individuals often possess astounding clairvoyant abilities.  Their tools of divination, playing cards, sea shells, crystals balls etc. will often be consecrated to their gypsy spirits who will speak to them directly through these media. I personally have a Gypsy spirit who appears to me dressed in yellow and helps me during spiritual consultations and in performing love magic.  She has been so influential if fact, that she has even led me to Eastern Europe to study gypsy culture, language and magic.  Nuns appear from time to time in a Voodoo Doctor’s pantheon and no particular power is attributed to them, other than the reassuring presence of God’s grace in all of our lives.

This post brings to a close my discussion on the types of spirit commonly found in New Orleans Voodoo.  This is by no means and exhaustive list and spirits from all background and cultures can pop up in out spiritual pantheon.  If you are interested in having an misa espiritual performed to learn the identity of your spirit guides, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  As always, I wish you peace, joy and the sweetest of blessings!

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