James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Archive items Tagged ‘Witchcraft’

Saint Andrew’s Eve

In the English speaking world, we are familiar with Halloween, a night dedicated to fun, mystery and a celebration of the supernatural.  Across the globe similar festivals exist.  There is the Japanese Obon and the Chinese Festival of Hungry Ghosts, both dedicated to honoring the ancestors and especially those spirits who have nobody to pray for them.  In Eastern Europe, there is an equally interesting holy day which for centuries has been a night of divination and…
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Orthodox Easter, St. Expedite’s Day and A quick Romanian folk story

Saint Expedite photo by Jean Poussin

One story occurred when she was a young girl in the late 1920’s.  One summer, many of the cows in a village stopped giving milk and the villagers though it was the work of a local woman everybody knew was a witch.  One evening, a local villager saw a cat enter a barn and start to drink milk directly from the cow and threw a rock at the cat which scurried away in pain.  The following day…
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