James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Archive items Tagged ‘St. John’s Eve’

Saint John’s Eve

Saint John the Baptist Icon

Saint John’s Eve, so called because it is the evening before the feast of St. John the Baptist, is a notorious night for performing all sorts of magic from many European and Afro Caribbean traditions. The origins of this observance lay in ancient Pagan traditions that regarded the summer solstice (June 21-22) as sacred and magical since it is the shortest of the year. In Christian times the observance came to be known as Saint John’s Eve…
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Saint John’s Night

St Johns Eve celebration photograph

All Voodoo doctors and queens hold services this Saint John’s night, which is the most powerful of the year for doing any kind of spiritual work as the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is at its thinnest.  Today I would like to share a link to an article I’ve written about the Feast of Saint John with a video of Mambo Sallie Glassman of New Orleans performing the service on Saint John’s night. You can…
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Erzulie Freda

E. Freda - General Readings Button

Through the course of the night the lwa Maistresse Erzulie Freda Dahomey, called Erzulie for short, popped up numerous times while I conducted various forms of divination and fell into possession.  Erzulie is extremely beautiful, flirtatious, capricious and intoxicating as well as elegant, refined and full of class.  She is an important lwa to serve and often blesses her devotees with unexpected wealth and torrid, passionate love affairs.  During the course of my St. John’s Eve service,…
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St. John’s Eve is fast Approaching!

Saint John the Baptist Icon

Many people have requested services and placed orders for offerings to be made on St. John’s eve.  I will even be performing a service called a Brule Marinette which is extremely rare and powerful and I have only done three in my entire life.  I will elaborate of this particular service in a later post. For those who are interested, it is not too late to place orders for the service next week on the 23rd-24th.  Just…
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Saint John’s Eve

John the Baptist

Voodoo in  New Orleans is much a solitary practice as compared to the religion in Haiti, but there is an exception: The Feast of Saint John the Baptist, which falls on the 24th of June.  The feast day is celebrated in Haiti, and indeed throughout the Catholic world, but nowhere as intensely as in New Orleans.  This feast is  particularly popular in Francophone countries.  In rural France, people light bonfires on Saint John’s Night and in Quebec,…
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