James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Archive items Tagged ‘Saint Martha’

Saint Martha

Saint Martha by James Duvalier

I am pleased to announce the publication of my new booked entitled Saint Martha which is a collection of traditional prayers and devotions employed to request the intercession of this miraculous saint of whom I am a life long devotee.  I share my experiences invoking the aid and protection of Saint Martha as well as the numerous blessings she has helped manifest in my life and teach you to call upon this powerful saint to help with…
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Thank You Saint Martha Yet Again!

Thank you Saint Martha Yet Again! - James Duvalier Blog

Also, I wanted just again to sing the praises of Saint Martha who has recently helped me accomplish a long time goal.  She is absolutely my favorite and most special patron saint.  I keep an altar to her in my home and often place candles, oil lamps and flowers in front of her icon.  I strongly urge you to start a devotion to her and spread the word about her powerful intercession.  The simplest and most traditional…
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Thank You Saint Martha Yet Again!

Thank you Saint Martha Yet Again! - James Duvalier Blog

Also, I wanted just again to sing the praises of Saint Martha who has recently helped me accomplish a long time goal.  She is absolutely my favorite and most special patron saint.  I keep an altar to her in my home and often place candles, oil lamps and flowers in front of her icon.  I strongly urge you to start a devotion to her and spread the word about her powerful intercession.  The simplest and most traditional…
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Saint Martha’s Day

I made a service to her with a candle and an offering of flowers.   I will be drying the flowers that have now been infused with Saint Martha’s powerful energy to use in charms and potions in the future. I have written a much more extensive article about Saint Martha herself, you can read it here. At the end of this month, August 31st, we have another important spiritual holiday, The Feast of the Hungry Ghosts.  This…
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Saint Martha

Saint Martha as shown in the article Saint Martha's Day

There are two versions of Saint Martha found in Voodoo and other Afro-Caribbean religious systems, mainly espiritismo and Las 21 Divisiones from the Dominican Republic.  It is important to remember that they are not separate entities, but just different manifestations of the same spiritual being which vary due to people’s culture perceptions. According to biblical tradition, Saint Martha was the sister of Mary of Bethany and Saint Lazarus, whom Christ raised from the dead.  In one story…
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