James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Archive items Tagged ‘orisha’

Service to Ogun for a New Job & Money

Service to Ogun - James Duvalier

Ogun is the spirit of work and business in Voodoo and is represented by Saint James the Greater. A service to Ogun is a fast and effective way to secure employment, stop office gossip, crush an enemy and emerge victorious against any opposition. Stop being a victim, take control of your life with the help of Ogun!

Service to Ochun for Love & Money

Service to Orisha Ochun Our Lady of Charity - James Duvalier

Service to Ochun for Love & Money – Ochun is an orisha of the Santeria religion. This service is recommended for people who want to appear irresistibly beautiful in the eyes of another person and crave the attention and affection of others or for those who want to amass lasting wealth. So, order this service and allow the blessing of Ochun to sweeten and enrich your life!

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