James Duvalier

author, spiritual counselor & paranormal researcher


Archive items Tagged ‘Garden Magic’

Garden Update

We are quickly approaching the summer solstice and are now experiencing the longest days of the year.  My garden is flourishing and my flowers and herbs are growing ever taller.  I am looking forward to the longest day of the year and the summer and autumn days that follow!  I hope you enjoy these latest photos of my garden and as always I wish you peace happiness and abundant blessings!  

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Garden Update

As we head into May I just wanted to give a quick gardening update.  The flowers and herbs that I planted earlier this month are sprouting and growing ever taller each day.  At the end of the summer, I will harvest and dry them for use in all types of spiritual oils, baths and potions.  I will also burn them as offerings at my annual Halloween service.  This is truly a magical time when the garden starts…
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Garden Update

As we enter the month of August, despite the intense heat, we can begin to see the very early signs of transition to the fall season, my favorite time of year!  The sun it setting a bit earlier each day and the nights are filled with cooler breezes and of course the abundance of the harvest begins to come in by the truckload.  August 1st marks the observance of Lammas in many Wiccan and Pagan circles which…
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Garden Update

The balcony garden continues to flourish and the sunflowers are in full bloom.  On the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24th), I harvested some herbs and hung them to dry for later use in spiritual work.  There were also several important feast days throughout the month of June and on each of these special days I made offerings of flowers to the saints that were being celebrated on these days and I’ve…
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Spring Garden Magic

It is no coincidence that many witches and other spiritually attuned people are also master gardeners.  This comes as a natural and blessed consequence of being in touch with the seasons and the Earth’s cycle.  Not to mention the fact that herbs, flowers and roots make up the vast majority of the ingredients used in our spells and rituals and there is no denying that the plants grown or gathered by oneself are much more economical and…
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